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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gustavus chapter.

Dear Mom,

This Thanksgiving I have so many things to be grateful for. Even though I have my fair share of struggles, the blessings are overwhelming; I have a body that can move freely, I attend a college that I love, I have friends who make me laugh, and I live in a world that begs me to explore its beauty.

But, Mom, you are one the greatest blessings of them all. Here’s why.

1. You’ve been there since day one. You put up with nine months of swollen ankles and morning sickness before bringing me into this world. Even though in the womb I caused you lower back pain, cheeseburger cravings, and emotional roller coasters, that didn’t stop you from loving and embracing me into your life with open arms.

2. You are my best friend, and you always have been. When I was little you made us tea parties, you took me on girl days as a teenager, and I can always count on you to give me guidance when I need it most.

3. You are so loving. Not many people can say that their mom sends them cards in the mail just because, drives to their campus for a weekend sleepover, or texts them goodnight and ‘I love you’ every single night. I will never be able to verbalize how much those things mean to me.

4. You fill my heart with so much joy. We play cards and laugh until we pee, we dance in the kitchen, and we watch rom-coms and cry together over their predictable but beautiful love stories. We have so many great memories together and I smile at the thought of many more to come.

5. You’re my mom. I have your nose, your laugh, your passion, your height, your sensitivity, your need for organization, and your heart. I am so lucky to share your genes and to share in this relationship.

Thank you for always being on my side, for being so open and understanding and, most of all, for showing me the kind of woman I should always strive to be. I love you.

President of Her Campus at Gustavus Senior Communication Studies 2018 TFA Corp Member Collegiate Fellow HGTV enthusiast