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6 Tips To Have the Best Fall Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gustavus chapter.

The idea of adjusting to life back on campus can be daunting, especially when you’ve become used to spending your days sleeping until noon with no deadlines looming in your future. But don’t fret! HC Gustavus has got you covered with some sweet tips for getting back in gear for classes and all that comes with them. 

1. Stay organized

This is the most obvious way to have a great semester, but oftentimes it’s the hardest. Invest in a sturdy (and cute) planner, with an overview calendar for each month, as well as weekly calendars to help track assignments and events. I use color-coding to keep my planner even more organized: green for an event, pink for work, and blue for an assignment! However, you don’t have to be that elaborate–simply writing down what you have to do for the week can help to keep your thoughts clear and organized.

2. Join a new club or activity

The beginning of the semester, specifically fall semester, is the perfect time to meet new people and make new friends. Everyone is geared and ready for a fresh start. Most schools will host a little activity fair at the beginning of the year, showcasing all the clubs your school has to offer. Take the time to peruse through, sign up for a couple email lists to learn more, and maybe pick one to join that sounds fun! Who knows, you could meet your new bestie!

3. Start working out

New semester, new you, right? Seriously, now is the time to stop putting off going to the gym and finally start getting into shape like you’ve been meaning to! Work going to the gym into your schedule 2-3 times a week at first, and pretty soon, it’ll become so routine that you’ll feel weird not going! You can also try looking into some fitness classes your school offers–yoga, Zumba, kickboxing–you name it, they probably have it.

4. Don’t let schoolwork control your life

When starting a new year, you want everything to be perfect, so you dive in headfirst and barely allow yourself to come up for air until it’s too late. You’re drowning in homework, meetings, sports, clubs… but wait, wasn’t this whole college thing supposed to be fun? Amid all the chaos, be sure to take some time to relax, whether that be going to a party with friends, or binge-watching a couple episodes of Gilmore Girls. A little time away from your textbooks isn’t going to kill you.

5. Set a goal

Want to earn A’s in all your classes? Increase your knowledge on daily politics? Always have clean socks and underwear? Whatever the goal, write it down on a sticky note, tape it to your mirror so you see it every day, and stick to it. Study your ass off, read the paper every day, do laundry once a week–make this goal yours and own it!

6. Be happy

I know, it’s a lot easier said than done, and it’s super cliché, but the best way to have an amazing semester is to be happy and stay positive. Surround yourself with good people, take classes you enjoy, and overall, do things that you like. If you’re miserable, your semester is going to be a bust. Try to take the time to appreciate what you have, even when it seems like the world is crashing down on you. Be the best you and make your semester incredible!


Linsey Wolf

Gustavus '20

Hello! My name is Linsey. I study English Education at Gustavus. In my free time I enjoy reading, drinking coffee, spending time with my friends and being outdoors.