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The 5 Stages of Dealing with Your Best Friend Graduating, as Told by the Cast of Friends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gustavus chapter.

With commencement quickly approaching, some tough goodbyes are too. To help you prepare, we have put together a guide to help you familiarize yourself with what’s to come — the five stages of graduation grief (as told by the cast of Friends):

Denial. Whenever someone mentions graduation, you shut the conversation down and refuse to talk about it.

Anger. Your friend won’t stop talking about how excited she is to be done with school and start a new chapter of her life — without you. #notsaltyatall 

Bargaining. You try to convince her with her favorite baked goods to stay another year or to at least live in your closet so that you don’t have to say goodbye. 

Depression. When you realize that graduation is only a month away, the tears start flowing and you desperately wish for time to slow down. 

Acceptance. You think back on all the hard work your friend put into her college career and realize that the world needs her. You know you’ll be okay because, even though it’s a big world, the two of you have big love. 

Commencement for the class of 2017 will be held Sunday, May 28th at 2:00 PM. Tickets can be ordered at gustavustickets.com

President of Her Campus at Gustavus Senior Communication Studies 2018 TFA Corp Member Collegiate Fellow HGTV enthusiast