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10 Things I’ve Learned From Working at Target

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gustavus chapter.
1. Wearing red with khakis is only okay if you’re a Target team member. 
In other words, wearing that combo indicates membership to a super exclusive fashion club that nobody else is (or wants to be) a part of.
2. Americans don’t know how to read.
“Excuse me, miss, where can I find the DVDs?”
“Right in front of you, by the sign that says DVDs.” 
*Mental facepalm*
3. The customer is always right (even if they are wrong).
“Yes, sir, you’re right. Even though I was working at the registers at the time, it is my fault that your child knocked over all the mannequins in the maternity section. My sincerest apologies.”
4. It’s a small world after all. 
You get to know the regulars well enough to estimate the amount of money they will spend on grocery shopping days, as well as know all the details of their weekend plans and children’s lives.
5. The Target inventory can satisfy all your shopping needs. 
Makeup ✓ 
Doritos ✓
Paper clips ✓
Tampons ✓ 
Clothes ✓
Tiny little baby shoes ✓
Condoms ✓
Travel shampoo ✓
Bubble wrap ✓
Couch ✓
Cute accent pillows to go with the couch ✓
Dog food ✓
Public Bathrooms ✓
6. Don’t overwork yourself (literally).
If you clock in too early or clock out too late, your boss will yell at you for working too much and will proceed to give you an extra 15 minute break. #qualityworkingconditions.
7. People in Human Resources jobs do way more work than the outside world could ever imagine.
They are always there, always busy, always helping, always working… Thank you for all you do, the company could not run without you!
8. Break room lounges are awkward.
Sure, it’s fine if you happen to be on break with a friend. But, majority of the time, you end up sitting at a table in silence with a 16 year old who’s texting her boyfriend, a 30 year old scoffing at the news playing on the TV, and a 58 year old drifting in and out of sleep. Tip: bring headphones.
9. Parking lots are no-rules zones.
You see that crosswalk?
That stop sign?
That man jogging to his car?
Oh, you don’t? 
Don’t worry about it, do whatever the f*** you want!
10. Even if people show hate, never stop fighting for what you believe in.
A lot of people are boycotting Target for their allowance of employees and customers to use whichever gendered bathroom they identify with, but Target refuses to give in to the prejudice and hate. The company continues to stand up for equality and acceptance, no matter what anyone else says. For this, I say thank you, Target. 
President of Her Campus at Gustavus Senior Communication Studies 2018 TFA Corp Member Collegiate Fellow HGTV enthusiast
Katie Allen is Editor-in-Chief for Gustavus' Her Campus Chapter. She is currently in her fourth year as an English major. Her role models include Emma Watson, Hillary Clinton, and Leslie Knope.