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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Guelph chapter.

As students, we don’t always have the time or the energy to do a full sterilization of our items and living quarters. Here are some cleaning tips to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

  • Clean your blender by filling it with hot water and soap and blending for a few seconds. Rinse and let dry!
  • Blinds can accumulate a lot of dust. Mix 50% vinegar with 50% water and dip a rag or old sock into the concoction and run it along your blinds to eliminate any debris. 
  • Smelly couch? Sprinkle soda onto the cushions and let sit for about 20 minutes. Vacuum up the excess using the brush attachment; your nose will thank you later.
  • Mix vinegar and dish soap in a cup and use a sponge to scrub away unwanted stains in the shower/tub.
  • Keyboards always seem to have dirt crammed between the keys. Soak a cotton swab in vinegar to reach those hard to clean crevices.
  • Too tired to sweep up those pesky crumbs? Use a lint roller instead!
  • Microwaves are a pain to clean. Put equal parts water and vinegar in a bowl and microwave for 5 minutes on high. Take out the bowl and let cool, then wipe with a paper towel. Easy peasy! 
  • Did red wine stains somehow magically appear on your white walls or counter? No worries! Use a Mr. Clean magic eraser to scrub the dried marks away.
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