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Emma Chamberlain: Finally, A Celebrity That is Relatable

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Guelph chapter.

Emma Chamberlain. Who is she? At the young age of 16, Emma started to produce YouTube videos about her life daily. She became an influencer on this platform in 2017, and her career had only just begun. Emma would then go on to win awards such as Teen Choice for Female Web Star in 2019 and People’s Choice for Favourite Social Media Star in 2020. After a long ride of being in the public eye, Emma discovered that social media was creating intense mental health issues in her life due to the constant pressure to upload videos every day. Her career, however, did not end there.

In 2020, Emma started her own podcast, Anything Goes, which captures what she is feeling within that particular moment; hence the name, Anything Goes. Anything can be the topic of discussion as it ranges from controversial opinions on friendship and heartbreak to self-growth and life advice. Sometimes her take on a topic is hard to hear but needs to be said. Her podcast is ultimately an outlet for those struggling as she creates a safe and comfortable space to just listen and be present in the moment. As a figure in social media, this is what makes Emma THAT much more likeable, as she touches on topics that can relate to any circumstance or experience similar to that of non-famous people.

Here are just a few reasons why I feel Emma’s new podcast is engaging and relatable to our generation:

Emma makes me feel like I am on this journey with her.

Within the last year, I have been working on my personal growth and finding peace in being alone by doing self-care, journaling, and reading. At first when I started listening to Emma’s podcast, it was solely to kill an hour because I was bored. But, listening to her take on how she is trying to be a better version of herself resonated with the experiences in life that I have had. In her podcast episode, good habits, she states, “in life, you gotta put the effort in and it’s sometimes annoying and it’s sometimes uncomfortable but it ends up being really rewarding.” Emma has opened my eyes to a world where it isn’t just me fearing what most twenty-year old’s are fearing. Listening and relaxing to her podcasts makes me feel like I’m in her presence every time, which is such a powerful and inspirational thing to make people feel. I have fallen in love with making her podcasts part of my weekly routine and without a doubt, it has made my life better.

Emma can say and think what she wants!

Being in my twenties, I have realized that what a lot of us strive for is to be able to be free of all our worries and doubts. With Emma’s podcast, she captures this side of our life and incorporates her own perspective on whatever she is feeling. She is able to laugh at herself when she makes mistakes, tells the most embarrassing stories, and gives inspiring life advice from a twenty-year-old herself. Emma records her podcast from the comfort of her own bed, making her authenticity in the podcast that much more genuine. She talks about what she wants and how she feels about it but also leaves the door open for interpretation. This is what makes her so relatable, as I feel a lot of people at this age are striving to be this ‘perfect’ person, but we aren’t perfect people, just people who live with similar experiences.

Emma’s podcast is free therapy.

Depression, anxiety, and other things that can cause damage to your well-being can all be subsided in a 50-minute podcast. As someone who is regularly anxious, listening to Emma’s podcast allows me to stop thinking about what is bothering me and just focus on her voice and what she is conveying. Emma’s podcasts are able to fill that void when we have nothing else to do but think about the negative thoughts. Replacing my self-destructive behaviours with listening to her new podcasts weekly has allowed me to better myself by using it as a therapeutic tool. Whenever I’m bored, stressed, or anxious, I take an hour out of my day to relax and indulge in whatever new episode Emma comes up with. Allowing yourself to feel all the feelings and just simply give time for yourself without spending money, is what I call free therapy.

Emma creates a comfortable space for people to just feel and think critically about their life. She continues to surprise me with how well she can speak on issues I felt influencers and celebrities wouldn’t necessarily run into. Emma’s podcast gives off a welcoming vibe and if you are on your own path to self-discovery or personal growth, or you want to learn about where to start, Anything Goes needs to be part of your routine ASAP!

Here are some podcasts that I think are good starters for those following their own self-care journey:

good habits” January 27, 2022 

a happy & healthy life” August 19, 2021

growing HURTS” May 6, 2021

advice session #4” August 20, 2020

Kaitlyn is in her Fourth Year in the Family Studies and Human Development program and is minoring in Psychology. She hopes to have a career in the mental health field as she loves to give advice and offer her own thoughts and ideas to help. Kaitlyn enjoys journalling, practicing self-care, playing ringette, and listening to The Lumineers.