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Tips to Avoid Anxious Texting Syndrome

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GSU chapter.


It’s going on three hours and every time you look at your phone, you can’t help but remember he still hasn’t replied. Many collegeite dating girls deal with annoying situations like this, sometimes it’s enough to make you feel crazy. We’ll call this crisis Anxious Texting Syndrome, and it’s nothing to downplay. A constant uncomfortable reminder of not receiving a response can quickly ruin a mood and turn your phone into the enemy.


Texting changes the dating game drastically, it adds so more room for you to freak out over what your partner could, or could not be dong. This can lead us to asking questions like: how long until you expect a reply? How long until you reply?  If he isn’t replying, how longer until you’re completely pissed? These answers all depend on you and your specific situation, and how you choose to handle your emotions..



We’re here to give you some tips, just in case you’re like most girls who like to reply right away, but change your mind once he’s taken hours. Beating Anxious Texting Syndrome will require you to be consciously aware that’s what you’re attempting to do. You must face the facts. He’s stressing you out. It’s as simple as that, then you have to find the best way for you to relieve that stress.



Tip #1: Download the Netflix App: People shouldn’t sleep on the power of Netflix and chill. Anywhere you are, if  you’re thinking about how the right person hasn’t made your hotline bling in a few hours, just pull up Netflix and chill. Let your binge watch addiction consume your thoughts. Netflix and chill by yourself is powerful. It’ll distract you long enough until life gives you something more important to do.



Tip #2: Put him on Do Not Disturb: So he’s the only person you feel like texting. He hasn’t text back, your phone rings, and  it’s not him, then you have a sudden urge to throw your phone across the room. So to alleviate this from happening put his butt on Do Not Disturb. So whenever your phone rings, the hope of it being him is gone. It’s all a mental game, set yourself up to be as emotionally stable as possible. When he finally does respond, you won’t even know, relieving the stress of responding to quickly. It’ll be easier to take your time replying.




Tip #3: Don’t Block him!: Some of us are known for taking situations straight to level 10 and blocking your texting mate. I know this sounds drastic, but girls do it. However it really should be a last resort, because the inevitable truth is, you will un-block him. Once you do, you’ll feel slightly crazy. So just avoid that stress all together and work on taking control of your emotions.



Tip #4: Just Chill!: Us women have a tendency to overthink situations.  Sometimes guys really are just busy. A lot of real men aren’t wrapped up in their phone 24/7 like us females are. Especially if he’s in college like you trying to build his future. So take a deep breath and keep in mind that you’re a college women that has many things going for you. During your day, focus on what’s in front of you. Focus on completing tasks that will better improve your future. Boys will always be there, only thing you have true control over is you and your emotions.

HI! My name is Asha Williams, I'm 19 studying Journalism at Georgia State University as a sophomore . Since elementary school I have been a writer. I've always claimed it as my hobby, and it's been my peace and sanctuary. I feel blessed to now be studying my passion in school, and also being able pursue it through HerCampus. Life is beautiful, and full of opportunity. I hope reading my articles brings a little of my optimism into your life!
The GSU chapter of Her Campus