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An Open Letter To Stacy Dash:From a Black College Girl

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GSU chapter.


Dear Stacy Dash,


I would like to start off by saying that I loved watching your movies growing up. Your movies were relatable, even to a girl coming of age. Everyone loved your role in Clueless as Dionne Davenport, and every single time Gang of Roses aired on BET,  I was excited to watch the scene in which you were about to be hanged. Kim was a rebel that stood up for herself, even in the face of death. I, as well as many others saw you as a fierce black woman because of your role as Kim in that particular movie.


Now, things have changed. You have changed, Stacy Dash. Your comments on “Fox and Friends on Jan. 20  concerning Black History Month and black-owned networks really insulted the black community. I want you to read what you said.  



“We have to make up our minds. Either we want to have segregation or integration. And if we don’t want segregation, we need to get rid of channels like BET and The BET Awards and  The Image Awards where you’re only awarded if you’re black. If it were the other way around we would be up in arms. It’s a double standard.”


By law we are all integrated, but socially we are segregated in terms of being recognized for our achievements.  African Americans still aren’t getting the recognition they deserve for their talents. I would understand why you made the comment, had you been noticed for your achievements via The Oscars, but you haven’t . You know for a fact that we have been underrepresented from the beginning, which is why the Black Entertainment Television (BET)  Awards exist.


With all of the upheaval pertaining to the #OscarSowhite hashtag and with Black History Month coming up shortly, it’s almost as if you made this comment just to stir up something unpleasant.


You also said that Black History Month should be done away with as well, and that we are Americans first. Why would you want a month dedicated to celebrating us as a whole to be put aside? BHM is the time that all Americans are able to hear and see positive aspects of African-American culture , instead of the negative stereotypes that consume us for the rest of the year. If we get rid of Black History Month, future generations will be ignorant to the trials, suffering and triumphs pertaining to black people. This is a time for African-American children to learn about their forefathers and ancestors who are little mentioned in their textbooks. Not to mention if it weren’t for those before us, we would still be treated less than human.


Why would you say “We are Americans first,” when blacks are being gunned down  unjustly left and right till this day?  Also, think about why Fox has you on their show . I do not believe it is because you are an intelligent strong black woman( which I believe you are). They are using you as a puppet to make us look bad. Don’t let them prey on your weakness . They only care about your opinion because it’s a negative outlook towards your own kind. Open those pretty brown eyes and see it for what it really is.


The Huffington Post is referring to you as “Clueless” and Gabrielle Union called you a  “Crazy lady”. I don’t believe you are clueless or crazy. I also do not believe what you said is true concerning our representation in  American society, however you have changed.


You were once a democrat, but you then switched to the republican party as of 2012. You were a remaining actress on BET, now you are a FOX 5 News contributor; a news  station known for slaying Obama during his campaign for president.  This drastic change tells the black community that something inside of you has shifted and we deserve to know why. We have loved you and your acting skills for years and we deserve to know the truth behind these comments and your new outlook toward us.


I could come up with a plethora of reasons for why you have transformed  your views but that is not my job. You owe it to us, yourself, and especially BET to be honest about the why behind it all. We do not need your opinions anymore; we simply want the why behind  your change in opinions toward us as a people.


Trianna Anderson is a current senior and journalism major/English minor at Georgia State University. She previously worked as a News Reporter for Georgia State's student run newspaper, The Signal,and is currently working on an advice blog, which is called Whattrisays.com. Her free time is spent daydreaming about her future, going to poetry slams and practicing guitar. Her dream careers include travel journalism, singing and writing novels. 
The GSU chapter of Her Campus