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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GSU chapter.

Name: Meriam Sium

Classification: Junior

Major: Biology 

Hometown: Lawrenceville, GA 

Relationship Status: Single 

Instagram: @meri___meri 



Her Campus: What attracted you to attend Georgia State?

Meriam Sium: I just remember driving past the campus with my brother one time and wanting to REALLY go to Georgia State because it was located in the city. I also knew that it was the best place for finding jobs and city attractions. 


HC: What are you involved in on campus? 

MS: This year, I’m mostly focused on the Pre-Pharmacy Professional Society Organization, just because it pertains to what I want to do in the future. I’m also involved in ISAC (International Student Association Council). 


Her Campus: What are three words that describe you? 

Meriam Sium: Enthusiastic, go-getter, well-balanced 


HC: What’s something others don’t know about you?

MS: I was actually not born in the states, I was born in a little country called Eritrea that nobody knows about. 


HC: What is your biggest pet peeve?

MS: My biggest pet peeve is dusty areas! I’m the most sensitive to dust when it comes to being enclosed in a small space, like a car. 


HC: What do you do like to do in your free time?

MS: Crocheting! Tennis! Eating!


HC: What would be the perfect guy for you? 

MS: The perfect guy is funny, attractive, and someone that has a similar career path as me. 


HC: What’s your favorite past time? 

MS: I like to go shopping and eat out at different restaurants.


HC: Who’s your celebrity crush? 

MS: Always and forever Chad Michael Murray, if he’s even a celebrity anymore…


HC: What type of music do you like? 

MS: Anything that involves Drake right now. 



HC: What would you like to accomplish once you’ve graduated college?

MS: I’d like to become a global traveling pharmacist, and just cure people with medicine. 


HC: What’s your dream job? 

MS: Eventually, to own my own pharmacy after being a traveling pharmacist. 


HC: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

MS: I would definitely go back to Eritrea just to revisit my early childhood. 


HC: What’s your proudest moment in your life thus far? 

MS: It would have to be this summer when I officially became a Pharmacy Technician! Nobody understands how long I’ve been waiting for this and the process it takes haha. 


HC: In the next 10 years, where do you want to be in life?  

MS: I want to have a family and still be a traveling pharmacist…if that even works out. 


HC: What is your passion? 

MS: Allowing people to live longer. 


HC: Words you live by? 

MS: “Work hard in silence, and let success make the noise.”


Hey there! I'm Krystal, the former 2015-2017 President of Her Campus GSU, and an alumna of Georgia State University. You can now catch me on krystalcaliyah.com. Cheers!
The GSU chapter of Her Campus