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Meet Bolbi! Campus Celebrity 18′

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GSU chapter.

Name : Xinran Liu

Nickname: Bolbi

Major: Computer Science

Place of Birth: Sichuan, Chengdu, China

Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Favorite Artist: J. Cole

Instagram: @bolbi_ran



Her Campus: What’s your favorite item in your closet?

Bolbi: My Bow Ties


HC: When did you start singing?

Bolbi: “I started singing when I was really young. My parents would always leave me at home by myself, and I didn’t like being alone. Whenever I would feel afraid of darkness, I would sing.”


HC: Why did you choose GSU?

Bolbi: “Georgia State University gave me a lot of scholarships and opportunities. And also, Georgia State has many great academic programs, such as computer information system, nursing and journalism programs. GSU is located in Georgia’s financial and commercial center – Atlanta. It will help me a lot on building up my future career and personal connections. I just love my school so much.”


HC: Why did you choose your major?

Bolbi: “I think it is very important for females to get involved in stem (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) fields, and I also like computers and mathematics. I want to work IT jobs in the future.”




HC: Where is your favorite chilling spot on campus?

Bolbi: “I would love to hangout with friends in the library. We always have conversations or chat [on] first and second floors and we do our group projects on third and fourth floors. And whenever I want to focus and do my schoolwork I will go to the fifth floor. I like how much that library could help me and I enjoyed every time when me and friends chilling and have fun there.”


HC: What organizations are you involved in?

Bolbi: “I am currently the Social media chair of Big Brothers Big Sisters GSU chapter, Events chair for Computer Science Organization, Alpha Lambda Delta honor society member, Honors Students Organization member, Spotlight Program Tradition committee member and I was the Vice President of communication of

American Marketing Association GSU chapter. Also, I am a student ambassador for GSU admission office and a student assistant for GSU urban life Math lab as a math tutor. “



HC: What helps you stay connected on campus?

Bolbi: “First, it’s always important to stay confident and friendly, don’t be scared to start conversations with people. That’s how friendships start. Also it is very important to be authentic to friends, I still treat friends that I made my first day of school the same. Lastly, I would say before you try to make connections with people, it’s more important for you to be a good standing student. For example I have a 3.8 GPA and I’m involved with multiple organizations on campus. Those achievements help me to make connections also. I think these are some great tips to make friends on campus.”



HC: Why is it important for you to get involved on campus?

Bolbi: I think it’s important to get involved on campus because in my personal experience getting involved, and making connections will help a lot for your future professional, academic and personal life. For example, I am currently working in a start-up company called Eventtent LLC. That is located in GSU. I was able to get this internship because connections I made with the founder. They saw my work and my connections so they chose me to help them. Don’t think college is just a place for you to get a degree, it’s a very important moment in your lifetime. So keep aware of your environment, and keep making connections and getting involved.


HC: What is your favorite event on campus?

Bolbi: Well, my favorite event on campus would be “Meet the Greeks”. Greeks life is a very mysterious, significant and huge part of American college life. And we don’t have those organizations in China. So when I had a chance to meet up with those cool people and saw them strolling and performing on the stage, it just makes me feel very excited and I enjoyed the whole show.

HC: What makes you, you? 

Bolbi: “Being a foreigner with a totally different culture and background makes me have a different mindset than others around me. I think it attracts them to me and intrigues people. I try to use that in my favor and just show people who I really am, it has a lot to do with how I was raised.”

HI! My name is Asha Williams, I'm 19 studying Journalism at Georgia State University as a sophomore . Since elementary school I have been a writer. I've always claimed it as my hobby, and it's been my peace and sanctuary. I feel blessed to now be studying my passion in school, and also being able pursue it through HerCampus. Life is beautiful, and full of opportunity. I hope reading my articles brings a little of my optimism into your life!
The GSU chapter of Her Campus