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Ways to Celebrate Halloween without Partying

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gonzaga chapter.

There is so much more to college than just partying! So if you’re not into the party scene, thats okay! If dressing up in costumes and going out for “Halloweekend” isn’t something that you and your friends are interested in, there are plenty of other ways to still have fun on this spooky holiday. 

If partying during “Halloweekend” isn’t your thing, how about:


Watch scary movies


Wear the comfiest pair of sweats you own, pop some popcorn, get out the Halloween candy that your family undoubtedly sent you in the mail, and watch a few scary movies with a group of friends!


Host a pumpkin carving contest


Have a “bring your own pumpkin” party and carve some jack-o-lanterns! Best pumpkin wins!


Get out of town or go home for the weekend


We all get homesick at some point in college, it happens to the best of us. If you don’t have any solid plans for the weekend, take advantage of it and pay your ‘rents (and beloved dog/cat) a visit!


Go to a corn maze (haunted or not)


Going to a corn maze is a classic fall activity. They even have haunted corn mazes, if you like getting scared. Sounds like a fun time to me!


Halloween themed food night 


Get in the Halloween spirit by making themed food! Take a peek at this site and others for cute Halloween foods that may look gross but actually taste delicious!

Disney Halloween themed movie night



Because who doesn’t love Halloweentown!!??


Who says you need to go out and party to celebrate Halloween? A night in with good company can be just as fun (if not more!) 

Kristen Jost

Gonzaga '19

Kristen is a senior at Gonzaga University studying a communication and promotion. She is a social media coordinator for her chapter as well as an executive board member and founding member. After college, she hopes to travel before settling down to work for a marketing firm that specializes in sports and higher education branding. Her hobbies include: watching sporting events, wandering around book stores, drinking too much coffee, discovering new places, and staying active outdoors.