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Say Hello to Elsi Hildebrand!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gonzaga chapter.

Elsi Hildebrand is a sophomore biology major who absolutely loves all things Disney. In addition to working at the law school on campus, volunteering at a local hospital and participating in La Raza Latina, Elsi is also a mentor in SMILE. Her infectious laugh and happy-go-lucky personality make Elsi an energetic and loyal friend. Fun fact – she worked at Sea World in San Diego this past summer!! 


Name : Elsi Hildebrand

Age: 19, Sophomore

Relationship Status: Single 

Hometown: San Diego, CA

Major: Biology

Favorite Quote: “I like nonsense; it wakes up the braincells.” – Dr. Seuss

Favorite TV Show: New Girl

Dream Job: Nurse Practitioner 

Favorite Instagram Filter: Mayfair

Perfect Pizza: Thick crust, pepporoni, sausage, and basil!

Favorite Thing About GU: I love the random dogs that come on campus!


Whether you know Elsi or not, say “hi” when you see her on campus! You’re guaranteed to get a warm “hello” back!



Kristen Jost

Gonzaga '19

Kristen is a senior at Gonzaga University studying a communication and promotion. She is a social media coordinator for her chapter as well as an executive board member and founding member. After college, she hopes to travel before settling down to work for a marketing firm that specializes in sports and higher education branding. Her hobbies include: watching sporting events, wandering around book stores, drinking too much coffee, discovering new places, and staying active outdoors.