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Meet Audrey Marr, a new RA in Kennedy!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gonzaga chapter.

Due to the lack of housing on campus, this year the first two floors of Kennedy Apartments have been handed over to sophomores.  With this crazy new change, comes the ability to have sophomore RA’s in Kennedy as well!  This year Audrey Marr takes on the NorthWest hall of Kennedy (yes she did put pictures of North West, Kimye’s daughter, everywhere!) as the kindest, most genuine Resident Assistant you will ever meet. It’s no wonder that her residents are in love with her and when you tell someone you know her on campus, they are quick to say, “Isn’t she the best? I love her!”  She took the time to answer a few questions for us at GUHC so our readers could get to know her a little bit better! 

Audrey Marr, ’19

Hometown: Mercer Island, Washington

Major: Public Relations

Favorite Quote: “Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.” Anthony J. D’Angelo

Favorite TV Show: Revenge or Saturday Night Live

Dream Job: Bed and Breakfast Owner

Favorite Instagram Filter: Mayfair

Insta username: audreymarr

Perfect Pizza: Caprese with kalamata olives

Favorite thing about Gonzaga: Basketball season or student mass

Why you love being an RA: I love haivng one-on-ones and getting to know something special about each of my residents. 


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Macy Conant

Gonzaga '18

Student and Correspondent at Gonzaga University from Denver, Colorado. Major: Communications. Loves writing blogs posts, reading, spending time in little coffee shops, mentoring high school girls and wearing bright red lipstick.