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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gonzaga chapter.

Nothing says FALL like taking photos with friends. Everyone needs that one photo for their Instagram, profile picture or just for their bedroom wall. There are some great places in Spokane that you can go to take these photos, from Manito Park, to GU’s campus, which only grows more gorgeous as the leaves change. Here are a few tips and tricks to get some cute and creative photos.


Go when its cloudy but still bright out. Most phones struggle to illuminate you if you are back lit, and having to look into the sun can cause you to make funny faces. Being in a slight cloudy environment, where you get the natural light but it isn’t directly on you, allows you to have lighting that’s natural and lights you up.


Wear neutrals and non-patterned clothes. This allows the eye to be drawn to your face more, and keeps you from clashing with a colorful environment. It also allows you to have an accent color in your photos and have it pop in your photo!

Find that spot with the perfect coloring. Going with wearing neutral colors, find places that are full of color so the background lights up, and you stand out. The colors from trees, flowers and even grass can create a beautiful backdrop for your photos. Accent colors are always a way to draw your eye too! Like red boots, a fire hydrants, and red in your umbrella! Find a color in your environment and interact with it.

Get comfortable with the camera. If you feel forced to smile and stiff, none of your photos are going to turn out. You want to be happy, giggly, and ready to have some fun. Having fun lets you really enjoy your time with friends AND get photos that show you truly being happy. Let go of all your stress, homework, and worries and truly enjoy your time with friends. 


Now go out and find your inspiration for the perfect autumn insta!