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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gonzaga chapter.

PSA: You don’t have to wear trendy glasses, drink black coffee, or have a beard to listen to folk music! Now I am sure most of you know who The Lumineers and Mumford & Sons are, but there are so many other folk artists with just as beautiful music! These four artists have soothing, yet unique sounds, which allow for diversity among your music taste.

I am Oak

I am Oak are from the Netherlands. Most of their songs rely heavily on the guitar. Their music’s soft sounds are perfect for driving home at sunset or relaxing on a Sunday afternoon. Their most recognizable album, ‘On Claws’ is from 2010. Some of my favorite songs from them are ‘On Trees and Birds and Fire’, ‘Way Out’, and ‘Don’t I Know Enough’.


Ziggy Alberts

Ziggy Alberts’s music adds a coastal, surfer flare to folk. He is from Australia and tends to sing about his experiences. His songs have his unique voice and have a strong guitar as well. Along with his peaceful, catchy songs, all of his album covers of trendy animal drawings. Some of his most popular songs are, ‘Days in the Sun’ and ‘Hands I Can Hold’ from his ‘Land and Sea’ album, along with ‘Heaven’ from his most recent album.


Blind Pilot

Blind Pilot is a Portland-based band with a mellow folk and West Coast indie pop vibe. Blind Pilot is one of my favorite bands I am listening to currently. I have a playlist which consists of folk, alternative, and indie music, and I am always adding their music to it. Their most popular album, ‘3 Rounds and a Sound’ came out in 2008, yet I still listen to songs from it without getting bored. ‘Paint or Pollen’, ‘Go on, Say It’, and ‘3 Rounds and a Sound’ have a beautiful calming sound.


Rainbow Kitten Surprise

Rainbow Kitten Surprise (cutest name I know) is the most popular group out of the four artists listed. The band is from Boone, North Carolina and they have an alternative-pop-folk sound which tends to be more upbeat. Like Ziggy Alberts, the lead singer in RKS has a unique and charismatic voice. My favorites are, ‘Cocaine Jesus’, ‘All That and More (Sailboat)’, and ‘Bare Bones’. These songs are from the two albums, ‘RKS’ and ‘Seven + Mary’.

Even if you aren’t a big folk music person, give any of these artists a try on Spotify!  You might end up finding your new favorite song or falling in love with all folk music!