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Felicity Warner / HCM
Culture > Entertainment

Why the Oscars are one of my favorite nights of the year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

To say I am excited about the upcoming Academy Awards would truly be an understatement. I am ecstatic. The Oscars are one of my favorite days of the whole year. Yes, they are up there with Christmas, and if you know me, you know I LOVE Christmas. I am sure this could seem very random. I am not a Cinema Studies major, I have never acted (stage fright is real), and I am not nominated (obviously) for an Oscar, so that poses the question, why would I care? The truth is, I have loved the Oscars for many years. I have vivid memories of watching in 2017 and being so excited to see which films and which people would win. I think with each year, my excitement grows. I will be excited even if I haven’t seen the majority of the films nominated. The thing is, I love films. I wish I had more time to watch them. There is no better feeling to me than seeing a movie and having one of those moments where you just sit there and marvel at what you just saw on screen. There have been many films that have moved me and inspired me and I love the creativity that goes into making them. I love thinking about the whole process that is involved.

So, when the Oscars come around, I get very excited because it is a night to celebrate cinema, something I love, and something I admire and respect. Yes, it is extra exciting when famous people I already love are nominated, but I enjoy learning about the nominated people that I might not have previously known about. When I say I love the Oscars, I really mean it. I love everything about them. I do not start watching when the actual show starts, I watch when the first coverage starts on the red carpet. I love seeing what everyone is wearing, how excited people are when they are interviewed on the carpet, and I love the build-up to the actual show. Once the show begins, I am totally invested. I watch the entire thing. I watch every award, not just the most popular ones. I know it might sound silly, but I also love the speeches. I love celebrating everyone who has worked so hard to make these films that we watch and love. I love celebrating people’s hard work and dedication to their craft; it makes me very inspired. I am very excited for this year’s show even though I haven’t see many of the nominated films because of the business that comes with senior year. However, I still can’t wait to watch the show, it is going to be amazing. 

Mary James

Gettysburg '23

Gettysburg College '23 WGS Major Education and English Minor Coffee Connoisseur