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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

When I first heard about #repealthe19th, I thought that it had to be a joke.  I mean, people aren’t really that unbelievable, right? Wrong.  Just when I thought that the Trump campaign could literally not sink any lower, they proved me wrong (something they just keep on doing lately).  This whole thing started when Trump’s son, Eric Trump, retweeted this map showing how the election would most likely turn out if only men voted:


Image via:  https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CuhV43eUsAEdxkX.jpg

The map shows that if only men voted in the election Donald Trump would win in a landslide.  Soon after this tweet went out, Donald Trump supporters began to tweet out using the #repealthe19th, calling to repeal the 19th amendment, which is the amendment that give women the right to vote.  Because, obviously the best way to someone elected is to silence 51% of the population, after all, we are just women, right?  And Donald Trump has repeatedly shown that he has zero respect for women, so I guess that I shouldn’t be surprised that the people who support him have minimal respect for us as well.

Well, guess what, it’s not going to happen.  I think that a friend of mine summed up my feelings perfectly in just a few sentences:

Women make up 51% of this country, and we are going to be casting our votes on election day, and considering how the Trump campaign is continuing to insult us daily, chances are quite high that the majority of those votes will not be going towards Donald Trump.  

The fact that #repealthe19th spread so quickly disgusts me.  If people ever suggested that men lose the right to vote, it would never receive so much support.  Women are human beings, but, apparently, society still doesn’t look at us this way.  It hasn’t even been 100 years since women fought for the right to vote.  They withstood awful weather, hunger strikes, ridicule, jail, and many other terrible conditions, in order to make it so that women would be able to have a choice in their government.  After all, that is what America was built on, the right for a government by the people, for the people.  And funnily enough, yes, women do count as those people.  So go ahead Trump supporters, try to take away our right to vote, but you will not succeed.  Women went through hell to earn the right to vote, something that was just given to men, and we will fight like hell to keep it.  To quote my friend, the only way you will ever take away my vote is if “you can pry it from my cold, dead hands.”, and good luck with that.

My name is Erica Boucher and I am part of Gettysburg College Class of 2019. I'm a huge fan of Harry Potter (and am a total Ravenclaw). I'm the Profile Editor here at HerCampus Gettysburg along with a writer. I love the color blue, singing/dancing to music in my dorm room, and wearing funky socks.