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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

Studying for finals may seem like an absurdly daunting task. But the most important thing you can do to help yourself start is to find the time and the perfect spot. Here are some suggestions of places to study on Gettysburg’s campus!

1. The library

 This is the most obvious, but it’s definitely a little hard to find seats once it gets closer to finals. However, it’s a classic for studying and there are a bunch of different environments for it just in the one building. If you need silence to study, going to the top floors is always a good bet. If you need a more open environment, the bottom and main floor are safe and can help you be productive. 

2. Breidenbaugh, Glatfelter, or the Science Center 

I grouped these all together because they are probably the best academic buildings to study in. Studying in the room that your class is in is a great idea especially for helping remember the material. It’s also smart to study where your final will be. Academic buildings can even just help you feel more academic. 

3. CUB 

The CUB is always a safe bet, especially if you want to be close to coffee or food. You can go to the junction, bullet, or the classrooms above. They are all good options especially for studying with friends. 

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4. Office of Multicultural Engagement

 There are classrooms and a basement that is very open but very good for having a private place to focus, even if you are with a group. 

5. Your room 

This one depends on where you can work, but if you’re by yourself, it is good for staying focused in an environment that you can control. It’s also helpful if you like to be comfortable when doing work and not be distracted by anyone.