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Last Week was a Big Week for Jonas Brothers Fans: Here’s my Recap

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

If you are a Jonas Brothers fan, this past week was very exciting. So much happened, and I feel like a summary of it would be helpful. Some of the exciting things that happened were expected and planned; however, there were some surprises as well that were amazing.

To start, it was announced in March that they would be releasing a song off of the upcoming new album on April 7th at midnight. This song is “Waffle House.” I do have to admit that I stayed up until 12 a.m. to listen to it. I love this song, I really do. The lyrics are so meaningful, and I love the music. I think their voices sound incredible on this song, and no joke, I have probably listened to it at least 15 times already. It is amazing to say the least.

In addition to “Waffle House” getting released on Friday, the Jonas Brothers appeared on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. While talking with Jimmy Fallon, they discussed the inspiration behind the new song “Waffle House” and discussed their upcoming performance on Saturday Night Live. Yes, they were the musical guest on Saturday Night Live this past week. Before I get to that, I do have to mention that while on The Tonight Show, they played a small clip of one of their upcoming songs called “Vacation Eyes.” I had no idea that they would tease that song but I am so glad that they did. It truly sounds like it is going to be another hit.

On Saturday night, they appeared on Saturday Night Live as the musical guest. I was fully expecting them to perform the two songs that they have fully released which are “Wings” and “Waffle House.” I was only partially correct. They debuted “Waffle House,” but instead of playing “Wings,” they played a BRAND NEW song called “Walls.” I did not stay up to watch these performances, but I did watch them the next morning, and let me just say, wow. I genuinely loved “Walls” as well. It is not out yet, but they did perform the entire song, and it was outstanding.

As a fan of the Jonas Brothers, this week was very exciting. My excitement for this upcoming album only increased. I can confidently say that I have not just liked every song they have shared so far, I have LOVED every song. I was texting my friend about how amazing it is that literally every song so far from this upcoming album sounds like a hit. My friend and I both agreed that this is a new era for the Jonas Brothers in that their new songs sound a little different than their older ones, but I am very excited about this new era and to be part of it. The new album is almost one month away, and let’s just say, I’m thrilled.

Mary James

Gettysburg '23

Gettysburg College '23 WGS Major Education and English Minor Coffee Connoisseur