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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

It’s February again, and thus, time to face facts: not all of us will have an S.O. on Valentine’s Day. But never fear! A lack of S.O. does not leave you out in the cold. There’s one holiday that’s more important for all ladies–regardless of relationship status:

Galentine’s Day! (Brought to you by none other than Leslie Knope)

If you have never celebrated Galentine’s Day, you are missing out. This day reminds us all that true love comes in many forms–one (possibly the best) of which being the girls that will always have our backs.

This is NOT about crying over being single. This is not about drowning our sadness in ice cream and chick flicks (although ice cream and chick flicks are encouraged). This is not a day that’s reserved for the single ladies. This is about loving our girls no matter what. When you’re single, your girls are there. When you’re in a relationship, your girls are there. So on this day, spread some of your love to those girls who are always there for you and be there for them!

Maybe your Galentine’s day will include a night out on the town. Maybe it will be a picnic in the park. Maybe it’s an all-day-long pajama party at someone’s house. Or maybe you’ll kick it Knope style and grab some breakfast. It doesn’t matter what you do, what matters is that you accept–whether you’re single or practically engaged–that the men stay home. Your friends shouldn’t have to wait for you to be single to see you separated from your other half.

What do you do on this oh-so-special day?

Aside from some necessary girl time, take this chance to let out your inner Miss Independent. Be your own person! Do something without your S.O. just to prove you can (even if that just means opening pickle jars and reaching things on the top shelf). Go out and make a difference (even if that just means volunteering somewhere for the day). And do it with your girls by your side!

While you’re at it being a strong, independent women–who may or may not have a man–don’t forget to remind your girls how great they are too! Sometimes a sincere compliment from your best girl means a million times more than any boy’s compliments.

So, if you haven’t celebrated Galentine’s Day, why wouldn’t you start?

This day brings the girls closer together, without the need for burning pictures of men who wronged them on actual Valentine’s Day. We are more than lonely, depressed, single ladies. Your relationship status NEVER defines you. And Galentine’s Day reminds you of that even if you will have a man at your side the next day. What can we say? This holiday truly is one of the best.

So get together with the ladies and rock it Galentine’s Day style, because it should be a national holiday.

English Education major at Gettysburg College. My friends hate me for correcting their grammar, but I know they secretly appreciate it.