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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

First day being home: 

Oh my God. I missed my family. I missed ANIMALS. Is this what home-cooked food tastes like? I forgot the smell of this car. Why is there a new design for the McDonalds’ in my town? Where in the world am I and which exit is my best friend’s’ older brother’s house again?

Second day being home:

I’m so happy to see my best friends. I’m never leaving. I’m pretty sure I’m still in high school. These are my PEOPLE. I can’t believe I live so far away from them. Did I peak in high school? Okay wait- I SO didn’t peak in high school. Why do people in high school dance so differently than college? I missed my best friend so much! Why does he go to college in Colorado, like, who let him do that? Why did I just run into my teacher at ShopRite and she asked me what I am up to… am I like a full-blown adult now? 

Third day being home:

I’m, like, thankful for this bed and my dog and also everything else but mainly this bed and this dog. Is it bad that I think Servo pie is better than Stop and Shop pie? I must be a new person–what in the WORLD! I have to Facetime my school friends. 

Fourth day being home:

If I don’t spend all day doing every single thing I did this summer I will scream. I’m treating this day like June, even though it’s like 40 degrees colder and, like, substantially weirder.  Also, I ran into my ex at the bagel place.

Fifth day being home:

I’m literally going back to college in like two days. I’m like pretty sure I permanently reside in this bed now. How do I bring my dog with me.. and can I hide it for 3 weeks? Would bringing my cat be easier? 

Sixth day being home:

Okay it’s my last day to wild and I literally had to say goodbyes to like six people. This feels like a funeral. Why did I come home this long and how do I do college?

Seventh day being home:

Wait I’m literally going to college again I have to be a real human and get out of my bed and not just drive around in my town. Who let that happen? How many more days until I’m home?

First day being back:

Okay I’m back and this is weird and life is weird. How is this allowed? Why does it feel like I never left? I am so no longer getting turkey for dinner. How did I already stay up until 1 am doing homework? I missed my best friends. I’m like pretty sure my best friends and I have spent this past day just screaming. 3 weeks left.