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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

As we move into the second week of my final semester, it’s hard not to think about how things have changed over the last 3 years – how I’ve grown as a person and how my relationships have shifted. I felt it would be fitting to reflect on where I am now and address my future self to see where I stand as I approach the end of my undergraduate career. So, without further ado, this is to you, Maddie.

I hope you are doing well. I can only imagine the mix of excitement and fear you must feel – we’ve never really been the best with change, but I know I’m ready to move back to New York. Speaking of home, are we attending a graduate school in NY? Did we follow Sarah’s advice to get a master’s in social work or did we find a different path? How are Mom and Mark? Are we still planning on living with them after graduation? I sure hope so, living rent-free is a pretty sweet deal! How are our friends? Are we all still a group or did we lose anyone to time? How is our relationship with Andrew? How are things with Dillon? How is Dad doing? I fear that some of those questions come with a sense of uneasiness at the unknown, but I hope when the time comes they help you reflect on the school year.

Moving on from picking your brain, I should probably remind you of where we are now. I like my classes so far (hopefully they don’t become too much work), and I’m looking forward to the upcoming semester. I’m excited about our research in the spring so I hope all went well with that. Our current favorite streamer is Foolish, and we have a Minecraft server with Kelly, Keiji, and Andrew (I hope you have all gotten good use out of it). Our current favorite songs on repeat are “Calvaire” by spill tab and “Steal My Bike” by Ryan Leahan (and a bunch of other people). I am in a tough spot right now which I’m sure you remember, no need to go into detail on Her Campus, but I hope we are feeling better and looking forward to our future. 

I wish you all the best, future me.

With love,


Maddie is the photographer and a writer for Gettysburg's Her Campus chapter! She discusses her love of music in her articles via album reviews and curated lists of songs to check out. Her Campus also helps fuel her artistic outlet by offering a space to flex her photography muscles - capturing fun moments members and the community have at events as well as beautiful scenery around campus. She is a senior Psychology major and English minor with a passion for clinical psych and a love of Shakespeare. Her love of literature and academic writing drew her to Her Campus, and she enjoys being able to combine her love of writing with her love of music. Also, she is a member of Psi Chi, the Psychology Honors Society, and will be conducting her own honors research in the Spring. In her free time, Maddie enjoys watching Twitch streamers like FoolishGamers, Punz, and Julien Solomita, as well as YouTubers like Chad Chad, Smosh, and The Try Guys. She enjoys playing video games like Minecraft and Pokémon. She also enjoys listening to and sometimes even writing music. When at home, she enjoys going to the local dog park and spending time watching shows like Law & Order SVU with her family.