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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

Most colleges in the U.S. offer opportunities for their students to study abroad in a different country. I am currently studying abroad in England for the semester, and I am here to share why I believe it is one of the best experiences of my life.


Studying abroad gives you the opportunity to visit a place that you have always dreamed of seeing. For me, this was England (specifically, London). It was easy to choose from my college’s options which program I wanted to participate in, and the chance to study and live in Europe was very compelling.

Before I began my study abroad experience in September, I had never been outside of the United States, so I plan to take full advantage of currently living in England. Such a location allows me the chance to explore nearby countries, and within a month’s time of being abroad, I have traveled throughout various locations of England while getting the opportunity to visit other countries such as Wales and France!

Studying abroad allows you to explore the city or country that you are focused in, yet it also opens opportunities for you to explore outside of that.

program Length

Most colleges, such as Gettysburg, offer varying opportunities to study abroad that differ in length. I am currently on a semester-long program, yet if you are feeling ambitious, you could participate in a year-long study abroad experience. These programs are run through the Center for Global Engagement (CGE) and see students gaining school credit while abroad. My program had other Gettysburg students and myself complete a three week seminar in London for IDS credit and then we moved to Lancaster University (where we will receive additional credit) for the remainder of the semester.

Other opportunities on campus can help you to explore abroad in shorter lengths of time. For example, the Center for Public Service (CPS) at Gettysburg College runs immersion projects that allow students the chance to have a shorter experience abroad. This experience remains educational and includes engaging discussion of social justice issues that occur throughout the host community. These trips do not count as class credit, yet they offer an amazing opportunity to travel abroad for a short period while having a meaningful educational experience. These trips typically take place over Winter Break, Spring Break, or in May.

Studying abroad does not have to conflict with class credit, and you can choose opportunities that are a length that appeals to you!

Life Lessons

I know it’s cheesy to say, but studying abroad has already taught me so many life lessons within the first month of travel. These range from recognizing when opportunities should be taken to learning how to cook new meals for myself. Likewise to how leaving home and coming to college increases your sense of independence, studying abroad allows you the chance to become more autonomous. You have more opportunities to make decisions for yourself while exploring beautiful places and meeting new people along the way. You will learn how to carry yourself safely in a new environment while adapting to the circumstances around you. During your time abroad, you’ll learn many valuable lessons, and these lessons can then remain with you when you return to the U.S.

Meeting new people

While in London, I decided to attend various West End musicals and plays, and each of these shows allowed me to meet someone new. One girl that sat next to me at Hamilton was from Norway and enjoying her first trip outside of her home country since COVID-19. Another girl that was sitting next to me at Frozen was from Indonesia and studying in London to get her masters degree. Within this first month of studying abroad, I have met so many new people from around the world, and the conversations that have stemmed from a simple introduction have been extraordinary.

My time abroad has also given me the chance to meet the Gettysburg students participating in the same program as myself, and it’s wonderful to have these people around to feel like a part of campus is with me (even if I am in a different country).

Adventuring Alone

One of my biggest discoveries while studying abroad has been taking the time to adventure and explore by myself. I have learned to seek out opportunities and to not wait for someone else to offer plans. It’s important to me to take advantage of this time abroad, so instead of just sitting in my flat after class, I decide to find a new place to explore. This could mean discovering a new café to get some homework done, stopping by a store that caught my eye, or simply walking around a new part of town. While I appreciate the time that I have spent with others during this experience, I have grown to admire the joy that I can feel in spending time by myself and discovering new places.

Studying abroad has been an experience filled with numerous perks, and I am excited to see what the remaining months hold for me! Don’t be afraid to try something new, and see what CGE and other campus organizations can do to help you study abroad. Happy travels!

Laken Franchetti is the Editor-in-Chief for the Gettysburg Her Campus chapter. She oversees all of the articles that get published onto the site, and she works closely with the Senior Editor to assign articles to editors. Laken is a senior at Gettysburg College dual majoring in English with a writing concentration and history. Beyond Her Campus, she serves as Editor-in-Chief of the campus newspaper, The Gettysburgian, and is also the Nonfiction Genre Head Editor for The Mercury literary magazine. In her spare time, Laken can be found reading, listening to music, and watching Marvel movies. She enjoys scoping out new stories on campus and competing in the college's pub trivia.