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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

With the fall semester ending and so many holidays right around the corner, it’s difficult to sit down and study for finals. Below are 4 easy was to stay motivated as the semester draws to a close.


1. Set Daily Goals

By writing down a quick list of goals each day, you are more likely to be able to accomplish these goals. Writing things down helps you focus on what needs to get done and you are able to build your day around the tasks you have to do. Besides, nothing feels more amazing than checking off everything on a list at the end of the day!

Image via jbarrows

2. Give Yourself A Break

It’s hard to stay focused for long periods of time and any student can tell you that staring at the same pages for two hours affects how much information you retain. In order to be more productive in your studying, take a break every 20-30 minutes and do something different. Stretch, read a book for fun, go for a walk, or call your mom! Regardless of what you do, you’ll be more focused when you sit back down to work!


3. Find A Study-Buddy

Doing work with a friend is a risky move. You either get a lot accomplished, or you both end up watching Netflix shows all night. But if you know somebody who is as focused as you are and is willing to keep you on track then the night can be more fun and more effective. It could also be useful to have someone trustworthy to hold onto your phone if it keeps distracting you!

Image via Storyblocks

4. Mix Things Up

Doing the same thing every day is boring. Try doing work in different buildings, studying different ways, or even going to a new event on campus with some friends. By trying different things while still being productive, you can make the day more exciting even if all you’re doing is working on a project.


Adrienne Poissant

Gettysburg '22

Adrienne is a senior at Gettysburg College studying political science and religious studies. Besides being a Campus Correspondent, she is involved in the wind symphony, Model United Nations, and enjoys reading and writing for fun!