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10 Times We Related to Aragorn on an Emotional Level

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

When you walk into class late after sleeping through your alarm:

When someone takes the table you were eyeing in the library (and every other table is full):

When all you want is a peaceful night at the pub with you tobacco and ale, but then some hobbits start raising a ruckus:

When someone begins a sentence with, “I don’t like Bernie because…”:

When you’re having a good hair day:

When the dining hall soup isn’t quite what you were hoping for, but you don’t want to seem rude:

When you see the sun rise through the library window after a long night of studying and realize you’ve pulled another all-nighter

When you and your army of the dead are ready to face a night out:

When you get overly passionate about belting a Celine Dion solo in the shower:

When you see someone being transported after a wild Saturday night:


When you charge head-on into your last final of the semester knowing that you’re screwed:

English major with a writing concentration, Civil War era studies/Middle East and Islamic studies minor. I'm all about goats and feminism.