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Why You Should Be Writing More

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.

When most people think of writing, it’s an automatic turnoff. For college students, it’s hard to avoid an essay and most of us do not want to deal. For me, I will take an essay over an exam any day.

Writing is not only limited to writing essays for your English class. Writing can be fun and rewarding. It can enhance communication, creativity and inner-happiness. Just as fashion can be a creative way for you to express yourself, writing can do the same. If you love make-up, you can write about that. Have a hobby or sport you love and want to inform others of its greatness, too? Write about it.

Maybe the reason you hate writing is because you have only done it when forced to, not because you wanted to. In college, you are forced to write about things you may not even care about only to receive a grade. Take some time out and write about what interests you and it is sure to be more enjoyable. You can write about your thoughts and feelings, what’s bothering you, what do you like and hate and even how your day went.

 If you cannot find someone to express your thoughts to, put it on paper. Let your pen be your counselor. You can probably be more open this way if expressing feelings to others makes you feel uneasy. There is no judgment here.

Writing is something beautiful that everyone can participate in. You do not need a certain intelligence level to write for yourself.

Writing and Communication

If you are not very strong with words, it can be difficult to express yourself verbally between others. It is hard to get your point across or even simply express your thoughts and ideas if communication is not a strong department for you. Writing more can give you a little practice and make it easier to communicate more effectively. If done consistently, writing can improve your thought process, increase vocabulary and positively influence the way you approach others.

Going through Hard Times

Sometimes things happen that can result in uncontrollable emotions. Whether you are dealing with hurt, confusion or feeling lost, put those feelings onto paper. Literally write what you are feeling at that moment. It is better to see what’s hurting you on paper than to have that hurt sitting on your chest. It is better to write about those traumatic, damaging events than to let our situations affect who we are.


There is a fire burning inside you and you definitely have a story to tell. Writing does not require you to have a physical audience for you to tell your story. If public speaking is not your thing but you know you have a lot to say, put it in a letter and give it to whoever needs to see it. Make article postings. Start a blog. Your words hold meaning and can be impactful on anyone who reads them. Words have power. You can even choose to keep whatever you write to yourself. All that matters is you are using this to relieve yourself.


“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” – Maya Angelou

I'm either at home writing or sitting at the nearest Starbucks. Writer. Poet. Womanist. PR Girl 
Jordan Wheeler

Georgia Southern '22

Jordan Wheeler is a Junior Pre-Law Philosophy major who attends Georgia Southern. Jordan loves writing, singing, and hanging out with friends.