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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” – Colin Powell

This month’s Tea Time is all about a lot of our worst nightmare, failure.

Sometimes it just happens. It’s life. It hurts and is something extremely difficult to get over in most cases. Failure can be so impactful that a mental standstill can be created, prohibiting you to pursue further, creating fear.

We fear failure because most of us have others depending on us and we want to make them proud.

Failure is a mindset.

Although you may have failed, you are not a failure. Setbacks are inevitable, but they are not here to keep you back. It is okay to feel bad about failing, you may even cry, but admit those feelings in full vulnerability and keep it going. Get up and try again.

Here are a few reminders for the next time you are face to face with failure:

#1 Block out negativity, including yourself. Overcoming failure involves dealing with others who will say things to keep you down and speak proudly of your demise. Some will yell out your failures but whisper your successes. No friend or genuine person will say to you “I told you so,” or “If you would have done this, that would not have happened,” or “You should just give up.” Be aware, people like this do exist, but that does not mean you are obligated to put up with it. Change your atmosphere, swap out your circle as needed.

More than likely, you will have to do a mental shift, too. Put away all negative thoughts and doubts you may have. Think more of your aspirations and where you are trying to be.

#2 Nothing meant for you will come easy. You will not always get it right the first time. All the greats we look up to have failed one time or another before they got to where they are today. But it was for them, so it worked out, and it will definitely work out for you, too. Success is not easy. Patience is key. We live in such a fast-paced world that we think when we need something, we have to have it NOW.  Use your time of waiting (and failing) to grow, learn and develop.

The next time you feel weary of constant failures, just remember the goal you are working towards will be worth it. What you are chasing after has value and is waiting for you to get there.

#3 Failure is life’s teacher. How can you be great if you do not know what to avoid? You failed, but now you know what you need to do differently. Failure teaches us humbleness, gratitude and appreciation. Ironically, there is a ton of hidden positivity tied with something with such a negative connotation. Maybe that’s the true lesson of failure. Focus on the positive. Think “What am I gaining from this?” rather than “Why is this happening to me?”

The end goal will be the hug you’ve been needing to reassure you your hard work and dedication did not go unnoticed. You deserve this.

I'm either at home writing or sitting at the nearest Starbucks. Writer. Poet. Womanist. PR Girl 
Jordan Wheeler

Georgia Southern '22

Jordan Wheeler is a Junior Pre-Law Philosophy major who attends Georgia Southern. Jordan loves writing, singing, and hanging out with friends.