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Self sabotage is a NO NO

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.

What does it mean to hold yourself back from the things that we want more than anything? It means that we as people are too afraid to reach for those stars because for one, it scares the living crap out of us. Not only is it the thought that we might fall, but the thought that is could actually work scares us more than anything as well.

There is a fear deep within every single one of us of our greatest potential and failure. Even those that we see that are making every single one of their dreams come true, they are afraid as well. WHY? There is this constant battle inside ourselves that causes us to rethink our steps because we don’t want to do too much, or (and this is my personal favorite), we don’t want to accumulate hate and doubt from those who pay attention to us in the process.

This is why we self-sabotage.  We constantly find excuses within ourselves not for something to work out and we begin to put so much belief into it, that it becomes true (only in our mind). Our comfort zone in our mind creates a place where we do not have to fear the outside world, or fear the reality of what our potential could reach because the problems in our comfort zone are ones that we have dealt with before and we know how to handle them.

Although the comfort zone is a great place to be, it can become lonely and dangerous. If you stay in that mindset forever, you miss out on this diverse world that is out there. You only have a one track mind and you lose a sense of what is going on in the world. You become a custom to the same thing every single day and ultimately become stuck.

From my perspective, I had to understand that self-sabotage is the reason why I’m not at my peak (or at least I don’t think I am). At times, I look about that the situations I was placed in and realize that I would have been better off had I just took a chance and did what I wanted to do instead of holding myself back. There is a better peace of mind know that you at least tried to get outside yourself. Not saying that you have to be bold and try new exotic things every single day. Somethings take time. Small steps is all it takes to step out of your comfort zone.

If you really think about it, there are a lot more people in this world that are stuck inside their own mind and comfort zone as well. Could you imagine the endless new businesses, new leaders, new songs, new machines, etc., had everyone in the world stop being so afraid of what could happen or what is going to happen and just took that risk? I think the world would be a much different place and for once, fear wouldn’t be the reason why things didn’t go the way we wanted to. We wouldn’t stand in our own way and we would let it work itself out.  

So to those who are in that self-sabotage stage, understand that you are not alone. We all go through it. What you also need to understand is that you cannot grow as a person if you continue to limit yourself to anything. You hold future in your hands. Make it count.

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Taisha White

Georgia Southern

Taisha White 23 Georgia Southern University Senior Multimedia Journalism Major Just trying to make my dreams come true
Jordan Wheeler

Georgia Southern '22

Jordan Wheeler is a Junior Pre-Law Philosophy major who attends Georgia Southern. Jordan loves writing, singing, and hanging out with friends.