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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

Safe Sex | Practicing and Protecting Yourself At All Cost

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.

In case you never paid attention to sex ed in school, never listened to your doctor, or don’t watch or read the news, let me educate you. Sex is sex is sex is sex. Oral sex is sex, anal sex is sex, and vaginal sex; they are all forms of sexual contact, and if you don’t do it safely you’ll become another statistic and end up with a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) or Sexually Transmitted infection (STI)  you may not be able to get rid of.


Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) or Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) are received through intimate sexual contact and bodily fluids such as blood, semen, used needles, vaginal fluids, or infected skin, like sores in the mouth. There are more than 25 diseases that can be spread from sexual contact, some of which you can cure, and some of which you can not cure, just control with medication. Some STDs and STIs don’t have symptoms at all. Common STDs are Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Chlamydia, and Human Papillomavirus, but you can also get Hepatitis, Herpes, Scabies and more. Chlamydia can cause infertility, Herpes is a silent disease and HIV is terminal. If you do have and STD you are more likely to get HIV.

STDs have been spreading like wildfire recently because young people are being careless;  2.3 million cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis diagnosed in 2017, rates of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are at an all-time high in the U.S. STDs, STIs, and HIV have entered into the heterosexual community because homosexual people are not being truthful about who they are and where they have been. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay but there’s something wrong with spreading diseases around that can kill people, sterilize women, and mess up reproductive systems.



Now that that’s settled, here are a few words of advice; stop laying down with men and women without being protected. Stop having one night stands, and because its a “spur of the moment” you say fuck it and don’t use a contraceptive. Ask him if he has a condom, and if he doesn’t go find someone who does. I don’t care how charming or good looking your partner or partners are, they could still be infected. Looks do not determine the status of others sexual health and neither does money. Do not be aware of body count, because whether they’ve slept with 1 or 100 people, it’s only takes 1 time. We as women need to take care of our bodies and protect ourselves. Period.

Don’t give oral if you’re uncomfortable, and don’t feel obligated either. If your guy refuses to wrap up because it’s “uncomfortable” and he doesn’t like the feeling then that’s ok, you tell him, “no glove, no love.” Question your partner about their sexual history and you both should always get tested before engaging in any sexual act. Don’t be afraid to go to the school clinic for free testing, because believe me, you are not the only one.



Now, if y’all are both clean then by all means go raw, but still protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy and get on birth control. Condoms break. You may not believe it, because it has never happened to you before, but they eventually do. Listen to your doctor, not your friends. Birth control not only prevents pregnancy but also regulates your period by regulating your hormones,  and can lessen the horrible symptoms that come with your menstrual cycle like cramps, bloating, headache, nausea and more. There are different types of birth control; the pill, the patch, Mirena IUD, and more. Talk to your doctor and find out what works best for you. BC does not prevent STDs and STIs, so stock up on and use condoms just in case. And by the way, abortion is NOT a form of birth control. If you don’t want to use condoms or birth control, another option is to just not have sex. Be abstinent and you don’t have to worry about about anything.


Mikayla Ladson

Georgia Southern '22

I am a student at Georgia Southern University from Marietta, Georgia. My passion's are creative writing, being an independent women, and traveling. I am a Multimedia Journalism major with an interest in Spanish. I hope to become a travel writer or write for Cosmopolitan magazine. I love to read adult romance and poetry books, watch HBO, workout, listen to Miguel, and eat M&Ms.