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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.


This honestly is the worst thing we could have let our minds create. The idea that we have a luxurious amount of time so we can continue to push back things is a real problem that we need to address. We seriously have to realize that things happen. You could plan your whole day out and you have, maybe, a sixty percent chance that it will go exactly as you said. There is no one hundred percent certainty in anything, so that’s why it’s best to just do it. My friend always says, “Get the jump on your work before it gets the jump on you” and that is something that I am constantly trying to beat in my head.

The idea of getting things done before the deadline is great, so imagine how it would feel to actually accomplish that. It is so easy to get distracted as a college student — that’s completely normal. No one is perfect; we all know that, but at the same time, we need to be more mindful of time. That is one of the most valuable things in life and we need to take advantage of it. Try to start working on your assignments the day they’re assigned, making reminders to follow up on work and other proactive things like that and watch how you feel like the semester is rolling smoother.

College is already a challenge, don’t make it harder than it has to be by allowing yourself to believe that time is always going to be on your side.

Jazzlyn Page

Georgia Southern '21

Sharing the things I think quietly with those that admire me
Jordan Wheeler

Georgia Southern '22

Jordan Wheeler is a Junior Pre-Law Philosophy major who attends Georgia Southern. Jordan loves writing, singing, and hanging out with friends.