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How Soon Can You Invite Someone Over For The Holidays…?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.

The holidays are always an awkward time for newly established couples. You’re not sure if gifting is too soon and if so how much to spend, but the major problem that new couples face during the holidays is whether or not to invite your significant other over to help celebrate during this time of year. It’s especially difficult for those who’ve recently met at a Halloween party. You know that Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner, so how soon is too soon? 


It’s something about Thanksgiving that provides a warm, safe, and inviting atmosphere that most couples use this holiday as the time to introduce new, fresh faces to the family gathering. In any event that you invite someone over to meet your family preparation is always necessary for both parties.

Prepping Your Family

Give your family a little insight on the status of your relationship and your significant other. This will rule out subjects of what’s appropriate and what not to discuss. For Ex: If they just recently lost someone, you want to avoid bringing up that topic or any other uneasy topics (disability, disorders, etc.).

Prepping Your Significant Other

As much as we would like to control our family, it’s impossible. So, for those family members that you know will be uncooperative or over the top, prep your significant other on their personality and behavior beforehand. Fill your partner in on as much information as you possibly can. First impressions count, and you don’t want them thrown out to the wolves without a fighting chance. 

Plan B

Meeting parents for the first time can be overbearing especially around the holidays. It’s important to always have a “Plan B” just in case things become too uncomfortable. Prior to going, you should have a talk about how long you all are staying, and if things get heated or too intense where to go from there. You may need to step out for some fresh air, or just to spend some time alone. Meeting family can be very draining, so some alone time together can be just the boost you need to finish tackling out the holiday together. 

So the question comes back to how soon is too soon? I would recommend after a good 3-5 months of serious dating. Not off and on or chilling on the weekends, but actually committing yourself daily to someone. These are the people that are worthy of bringing home; however, no one can answer this question as truthfully as the two of you. Conversing with each other will be the only way to know for sure. You never know how someone truly feels until you ask. Have this conversation, especially if you all have talked about each other families, and how holidays are celebrated at your house.

Bringing someone home for the holidays is a great time to see if they are family oriented and if they can handle situations in which they have no control over. It can be a make or break moment for some couples, but it also gives much insight on where you stand as a couple and what future the two of you may hold.


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Bridget Johnson

Georgia Southern

I’m Bridget! I have a degree in Business and currently majoring in Psychology. My ultimate goal is to have my own practice. I love glamour, fashion, photography, writing, art, dance, poetry-really any form of expression. I’m almost always with family or friends, although I do love some “me” time. I’m a free spirit and enjoy meeting new people.
Jordan Wheeler

Georgia Southern '22

Jordan Wheeler is a Junior Pre-Law Philosophy major who attends Georgia Southern. Jordan loves writing, singing, and hanging out with friends.