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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.

If you’re like me, you’re probably wondering how you’re going to survive February 14th. In a few weeks, the swarm of couples walking across campus with their teddy bears and their flowers and their candy hearts with an angelic chorus in the background; me cringing from afar underneath my rainy cloud of loneliness. But no worries! Being single is not the worst thing in the world, it allows you to focus on the betterment of yourself including your own happiness and admiration for the goals you aspire to accomplish. Empowering? Definitely! And while some may want to enjoy Valentine’s Day with the company of another individual, here’s are some way you can enjoy the holiday solo.

Try Out Some New Food!

Give your taste buds a makeover!Go out to your favorite restaurant in your local area and splurge! (Of course within your budget). Try out specials or new menu options, or even stick with your usual meal without having to worry about who has to pay for the bill. Visit a supermarket or grocery store and gather all the ingredients to cook your favorite meal at home. Look for recipes online or try your hand at making an extravagant Valentine’s Day dessert and completely destroy your kitchen because you’re the only one paying for it so who cares!

Give Yourself a Makeover!

Want that new sweater that’s on sale or a new pair of shoes that’s been sitting in the window for the past 15 days (because who’s counting). Go get it! Treat yourself because you deserve it.While there’s nothing more sweet than receiving a gift from a friend or loved one, always remember to gift yourself once in a while. There’s too much anxiety that comes with someone else buying a gift for you: you wonder if you’ll like, if the sizing is right, or if the material is irritating. Well, you know yourself better than anyone else, so why not go all out and find a new style that best fits you. Go crazy and try different makeup looks and do a little fashion show of your own! Besides, you’re more you when no one’s watching!

Goal Searching

Take this opportunity to reflect. February, while being one of the shortest months in the year, is a month of history from past presidents, notable African American visionaries, and for those who celebrate it, the Chinese New Year. It is still early in the year for you to figure out how you want your 2019 to be. Make a short list of what you want to accomplish in the near future. Set up daily task for yourself to keep your mind focused and your energy alive. Read books centered around self empowerment and individuality.

All in all, Valentine’s Day is more than just flowers and chocolate from your significant other. It’s about love, in all of its shapes and sizes whether it is from within or expelled out. Love can be shown through words from a song or the warmth of a tight hug. Reach out to those who may feel like they haven’t received the love that they deserve and it could just change the way their Valentine’s Day will be now and in the future.



Jacquelyn Medley

Georgia Southern '22

Jacquelyn Medley is an 18 year old freshman attending Georgia Southern University. She is currently majoring in Public Relations with a minor in graphic design. She enjoys coffee, 80s dramas, and would love to live in Paris!
Jordan Wheeler

Georgia Southern '22

Jordan Wheeler is a Junior Pre-Law Philosophy major who attends Georgia Southern. Jordan loves writing, singing, and hanging out with friends.