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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.

You’ve lined your lids into perfection, you’ve sculpted your cheeks for the gods, and now all you have to do is walk to class and give a dazzling white smile to the cutie in the second row. The only problem is that the blazing Georgia heat isn’t cooperating. By the time you’ve reached your 2:30, your cateye is looking more like cat whiskers and the amount you’re perspiring is Awesome Abs worthy. The George-Anne gave adorable little quips about how to beat the heat, but in all seriousness–How can we look good when it’s 99 degrees outside? Here are some tips that will have your makeup and forehead saying “What heat?”


Tip 1) Eat frozen grapes. Instead of packing calories from fro-yo and ice cream, put your healthy snack in the freezer the night before and enjoy them on the walk to class. These will keep you cold and satiated.


Tip 2) Keep blotting papers on you at all times. Paper towels or napkins will do too. Instead of walking straight from the outdoors to your classroom, slip into the bathroom and blot away.


Tip 3) Waterproof, waterproof, waterproof. Find a brand of makeup that has a good waterproof formula and hold it close. There’s nothing cute about your eyeliner on your eyebrow.

Tip 4) Keep it shady. Remember that hot lava game you used to play as a kid? Reverse it and use Georgia’s Southern’s tall shady trees to your advantage on your walk to class.


Tip 5) Lighten up. Even though we’ve started fall semester, Statesboro’s weather hasn’t gotten the memo. Wear light breathable material and light-framed sunglasses that won’t weigh you down.


Tip 6) Leave early. Running and stressing to make it to class on time only makes you sweat more. Leaving early allows you to take your sweet time walking, eat your grapes, and strut into class without a sweaty care in the world.

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Martinique McCrory

Georgia Southern

A Southern student from the North, Martinique "Martini" McCrory is a senior political science major and philosophy minor. She can be loosely defined by her insistence on the word pop, her love for all things Oscar Wilde, and her Dracula-like disdain for daylight.
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Ayanna Gant

Georgia Southern

Hi! I am Ayanna and I am the Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus Georgia Southern. I am a junior Public Relations major with a minor in Marketing. I hope to one day pursue a career in the sports and entertainment field of public relations!