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Getting Your First Puppy in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.

We all know that fresh “at college” feeling. You feel like you’re finally an adult and can make your own decisions without anyone else’s input. When I first got down to college, I started dating my current boyfriend and in return became the stepmom to my puppy. This brought on a whole new slew of responsibilities that I had no idea came with owning a puppy. It’s literally like having a baby, but without all the talking, and walking, and stuff. I never knew thought about how deciding to do things on my own could result in some big responsibilities.  Although these responsibilities involve another life (my dog’s) I’m so glad I made the decision to adopt my puppy. Here are some things you should expect as a doggy parent as told by a doggy stepmom.

Potty training is the hardest thing ever.

Your dog is going to poop and pee in your house at first; just accept it. I say this with a grain of salt because as much as you want to strangle them and are grossed out by the smell they need to learn. Just grab their nose stick in the direction and sternly say no. A pop on the behind also can be constructive.

Puppies are really great snugglers.

For those nights when your significant other is out of town, or nights you just are alone in your bed pull up your pup. They will thank you immensely with a nice snuggle right by your chest, legs, really anywhere they can fit. Sometimes even your pillow.

You will be extremely protective.

I know for one I have extreme mom moments (or dad moments). The moments where your parental mode goes into action and you say something like, “Don’t let her go in there. She’s going to hurt herself,” or, “Put her down! You’re going to drop her!” All of these things are normal. They just mean you love your fur baby and want nothing to happen to her. Nothing’s wrong with being a helicopter parent at first.

When people say they are so adorable but you know the truth.


Like any good parent you know that yes your fur child is adorable, but they are still the offspring of Satan and can be evil beyond compare. Your multiple pairs of chewed up shoes and new sunglasses back up this theory.

Baby talk is inevitable.

Yes it’s annoying and yes you’re annoyed by anyone else that does it, but it seems that, that is the only way your pup understands you. That or your high pitched screams of anger when they do something bad. There is really no in between; sorry everyone.

You see yourself spending more money on them than yourself.

We can start to see how our parents felt all those years of buying us new clothes every season, but wearing clothes that were years out of date. I can’t help but buy my dog a new collar, new toy, new leash, anything I see in the store really. I mean hey if the dog doesn’t look good I don’t look good right?

They will annoy the crap out of you.

As I write this now I am having to deal with my puppy that wants all of my attention, but who can blame them? They just want to love you.

At the end of the day it’s all worth it.

They may annoy you. They may ruin some of your things. They may even give you a few heart attacks, but your puppy is going to be the best thing ever. It’ll help with your stress from school with its cuddles and play time. It’ll give you companionship when you’re lonely. It’ll even make you laugh a good bit of the time. The point is that if you have the time and the energy for a dog get one. They are the best decision you will make in college. 

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Jordan Pavey

Georgia Southern

Hi there! My name is Jordan Pavey and I am a student at Georgia Southern University. I am a journalism student with a minor in marketing. I hope to one day become a journalist for a major news company, and be able to write for a livng.
Jordan Wheeler

Georgia Southern '22

Jordan Wheeler is a Junior Pre-Law Philosophy major who attends Georgia Southern. Jordan loves writing, singing, and hanging out with friends.