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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.

A new year has finally arrived. A time where many claim to take on new lifestyles for the first one month, and then later return back to their normal selves.

 With a new year comes new hashtag trends on social media, and one of the most popular was, #wastehistime2016/wastehertime2016.


The wasting of one’s valuable time is nothing to be played with.  

I personally would not even know how to respond to the situation at hand. The amount of hurt one would feel from this experience is just completely tragic. Knowing that someone was willing to buy you limitless 5 for $27 panties, $50 shirts and leggings, and possibly even a fragrance is just a roller coaster of emotions within itself. To have tried things on, match all your sports bras with the leggings (because of course so many now seem to think it’s a high fashion outfit), and then to have it all taken away and given to their significant other. #nowords.

For those of us who wear weave, the excitement of getting new bundles is like Christmas all over again, but to hear that someone else is buying your 3 bundles of 24, 26, and 28-inch Brazilian body wave is simply sensational. Taking out a sew-in is a task that definitely takes time, and so wasting my time by not answering even after the braids have been taken out is the ultimate disrespect. #youtriedit.

Use the first month of the New Year as the trial month because it’s 2016 and we don’t want to have our time wasted. #dontwastemytime2016.



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Brea T. Dupye

Georgia Southern

Hey! My name is Brea Dupye, and I am a junior transfer student from Baltimore, Maryland. I am majoring in Journalism with a minor in Spanish. One day I hope to pursue a career in entertainment news to become one of the first plus size in camera hosts for E! news, or interviewing on the red carpet.
Jordan Wheeler

Georgia Southern '22

Jordan Wheeler is a Junior Pre-Law Philosophy major who attends Georgia Southern. Jordan loves writing, singing, and hanging out with friends.