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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.



Finals week is just around the corner. This can be a stressful time for all college students but knowing how to prepare is a major factor in being successful. Here are a few tips to beating the finals week slump.

1. Don’t cram!

As tempting as it may seem, cramming before a final or any test is not beneficial to you. Be sure to study in intervals, taking breaks in between in order to retain what you’ve already studied.

2. Eat brain foods!

Eating breakfast is always the perfect way to start you day, but there are other foods that help your brain. Fiber rich foods like oatmeal are beneficial to keeping your attention throughout the day.

3.  Change up your study location!

Although the library may seem like the best place to study, finding different places to study is actually good for your brain! Supposedly, the brains makes connection between what is being studied and the background sensations. 

4. Manage your time!

Create a study plan. Plan to study for 20 minuets, have a snack, then study for another 20 minuets. Doing this allows you to study each subject in its entirety and increase your test performance!


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Kendra Cray

Georgia Southern

ΔΣΠ| hail southern | HC CA@hercampusgs| Style Guru Intern@cfashionista | You can have anything you want if you dress for it.♛| iBlog⇝CollegeGirlKendra.com  
Jordan Wheeler

Georgia Southern '22

Jordan Wheeler is a Junior Pre-Law Philosophy major who attends Georgia Southern. Jordan loves writing, singing, and hanging out with friends.