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Campus Celebrity: Lauren Williams ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.

Name: Lauren Williams

Age: 22

Major: Health Education and Promotion

Graduation Date: May 2015

HerCampus: What organizations are you involved in?

Lauren Williams: I am the President of The 100 Collegiate Women of America.


HC: What is the mission for your organization?

LW: The ladies of the Collegiate 100 are devoted to creating leaders, providing opportunities to empower, improving the quality of life for women and influencing the development at all levels of society. We are fully committed to displaying transformational actions for women that will provide a power shift to motivate women to take action and achieve their goals.


HC: As president, what do you hope to accomplish?

LW: My main goal as President is to simply set the standard. I want people to view my organization as a prestigious group of qualified, educated women who have committed to the development of themselves and their community. We’re on a mission to make an impact, not an impression, and so far, I’m sure we’re on the right track!


HC: What has been your best memory at GSU thus far?  

LW: That’s a hard question!! I have too many best memories, but I really appreciate Freedom. Every time he flies at an event, it’s like a visual reminder of our endless possibilities as leaders of tomorrow.


HC: What advice would you give to the women on campus?

LW: It may be a little cliché, but take care of YOU. If your house is built on a shaky foundation, it will never reach its fullest potential. Set and maintain the standards for yourself and your life and everything else will fall into place.


HC: How do like to enjoy your leisure time around Statesboro?

LW: There’s nothing here, so I do the usual – dinner, movies, happy hour, you know? My C100 sisters and I have frequent slumber parties and potlucks. I go to Savannah often, as well.


HC: How can people contact you if they are interesting in the organization or have any questions?

LW: Funny you ask that! We are actually having an information session Wednesday, November 19th at 6:00 P.M. in the old Biology Building 2217. You can email collegiate100womengsu@gmail.com for more information.


HC: In your eyes, what are three things that professional women should have to succeed?

LW: A successful woman understands that success and failure go hand in hand, so she remains positive regardless of her circumstances.  She is driven and will stop at nothing to obtain her goals. Most importantly, a successful woman is CONFIDENT. Her presence demands your attention and forces you to believe in the power of herself and her capabilities. 

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Georgia Southern

Senior at Georgia Southern University, mass communcations major. Let's have some fun! #Taurus #CarolinaPanthers 
Jordan Wheeler

Georgia Southern '22

Jordan Wheeler is a Junior Pre-Law Philosophy major who attends Georgia Southern. Jordan loves writing, singing, and hanging out with friends.