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Campus Celebrity: Dyverzion Dance Team

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.

Names: Jasmine Pollard                                               Aquia George

Positions: PR & Co-Fundraiser Chair                              Secretary

Her Campus:  How Do you feel about being known as the best on campus and trying to keep that title?

Aquia George: We basically keep doing what we are doing. If you ahve what it takes to compete then you great you have it. But it is not really a competition we work hard and we support other lines who do the same.

Jasmine Pollard: We support other organizations. We like to see the other do well. I don’t know why people assume that Dyverzions is so stuck up, we truly support other orgs.

HC: What is the most rewarding part of being in Dyverzion?

AG: I would say the most rewarding part is that you gain a family. You gain relationships with people because you are going to be around them a lot. We practice a lot and have all of these different activities outside of dance just to form our bonds with one another. I think that’s the most rewarding part, gaining those new family members.

JP: I would say when we perform and everyone gets to finally see the hard work we put in because we practice a lot. I do not think that anyone understands how much we practice. People come up and say Dyverzion dances so good and Dyverzion put on a great show and that is because we work so, so hard. All of the recognition of the hard work we put it makes it worth it.

HC: What would you ladies say is the most difficult part of working with a team of mostly women?

AG: Well we have women and men, we actually need more guys to have partner dances, but with working with the ladies you don’t really notice it. The bitterness and anger always need to be left at home because we are all here for the same thing. When we go to practice we are there to dance and have fun. That’s all we do. 

JP: I don’t think there is any cattiness amongst the ladies. We all know we have shows to work so we are serious, but we also have breaks when everyone can just turn up and have fun. We also try to have fun when we are helping each other. For example, when we are practicing the girl dances we will say noooo flip you hair like this *big hair flip*.

HC: Do you have captains and co-captains, or is everyone on the same level?

AG: We have the executive board and that includes the choreographers. They are in charge of running the practices and organizing all of our shows, and getting all of the members in line. 

JP: The exec board includes PR, Secretary, and Coordinators. We get the shows together and handle all of the paperwork. 

HC: Who are the choreographers for the team?

AG/JP: Keiondra Jackson, Enrique Espada, and Keadria Hayes

HC: How is balancing school, work, social life, and Dyverzion?

AG: We are the social life. Seriously, people invite us to things because they know we come and turn up to have a good time. So that’s the social part. But as far as work, you have to put your priorities in line. If you are more dedicated to work than be dedicated to that, but if you want to dance you have to make time to dance. That is why our practices are so late. You have time to get everything done before and come ready to practice. Usually, college students do not work overnight so that is why we have practices from 9-11 on Mondays and Wednesday. If you have test we understand, it is okay to miss a couple practices here and there as long as you know what you are doing. 

JP: We spend so much time together that even after practice we always ask each other what everyone is about to do, so we end up hanging out with each other even after practice so we never really feel as if we are missing anything. It is like we are “the move” so we spend so much time together that it is natural to go out together too. 

HC: What are your upcoming performances?

JP: We have headliners this Friday, then the day after we are performing at Gorilla Thriller on Saturday, we also will be opening up for The Migos on April 18th when they perform for the spring concert.

HC: What is your advice for new women coming on campus?

AG: As far as coming to campus come in with a strong head. I remember my first year in college I was wondering what am I going to do. I was away from friends and family. So make a strong foundation, know what you want to do, and you have to make connections. Also just relax, but make sure you get your school work done. Your freshman year is your most important year, if you start off strong everything else will follow. As far as Dyverzion, if you want to join be prepared to  work, do not try out thinking that it is so easy, because it is not.

JP: We are supposed to make it look easy. 

AG: We make it look easy and that is because we practice and we pay attention.

JP: As far as being on campus, I would say get involved. You get to make connections, you never know who is in your major or who could give you advice. So, even if you don’t find an organization you want to stick with after your freshman year try new things. There is nothing wrong with looking at a lot of different organizations. Once you find a home in an organization you will always have someone who can help you out with life and school. It is a lot easier to get help once you find friends in an organization. For Dyverzion, it really takes up your life. It is definitely fun but do not come in thinking it is  easy because we work hard. You don’t last on campus for 20 years with a reputation like ours and not have a strong work habit.

AG: And remain humble. It is hard working with a lot of people who are in control of the team and have to tell you what to do… but not really “tell” you what to do.We know what’s best for you because we have been doing this a lot longer. Just remember we love you and are not trying to attack you.

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Ayanna Gant

Georgia Southern

Hi! I am Ayanna and I am the Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus Georgia Southern. I am a junior Public Relations major with a minor in Marketing. I hope to one day pursue a career in the sports and entertainment field of public relations!