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10 Best Ways to Study For Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.

1. Prioritize Most Important Test

You know when beginning to study which test are going to be more difficult and which test ultimately matter more. Some students think that they should commit equal time to studying for each test… WRONG. If you go about it that manner you are just taking away time from material that you need to understand just to review things you already have a handle on.

2. Say NO to Cramming

Just say no! Try to study in intervals! Studying in 20-50-minute increments and giving yourself 5-10 minutes in between to relax and not feel completely overwhelmed. 


3. Say YES to Cardio

Did you know that just 20 minutes of cardio can improve your memory? Whether you want to dance, go for a busting a sweat by walking, exercise will increase your energy level and reduce the effects of stress. Very important!

4. Grab a Super Food Snack

Everybody knows you should eat breakfast the day of a big test. But little snacks during the day will keep you both full and more focused on your work than your growling stomach. “When you study, your brain consumes glucose,” says Dorsey. 


5. Study in New Places

 Shake up your finals routine! Spending all night in the library can be draining. Check our blog to find out different places to study.

6. Minimize Distractions

PUT DOWN THE PHONE, TURN OFF NETFLIX, AND STUDY! Distractions only cause more problems in the long run. Go ahead and bust out studying then you can get on Instagram and twitter once you’re done. 

7. Know Exactly What the Test Covers

It doesn’t help to study chapters 12-16 and the test covers 17-22. Be sure to know exactly what to study before you start. It only takes 5 minutes to check the syllabus or email your teacher. You’ll be grateful in the end. 


8.  Know When to Stop Studying

Within 12 to 24 hours of the test, it’s time to stop studying. You’re not going to learn a lot of new content. The likelihood is much higher that you’re going to stress yourself out and confuse yourself. So put the books down and take a break.

9. Learn How You Study Best

Everyone learns differently. If something isn’t working for you try something different. Just because it works for all of your friends does not mean that it is the right or the only way. 

10. Get a Good Night’s Rest

ahhhhhhh. Rest. Eight hours is ideal for the night before an exam. It may be tempting to pull an all-nighter, but in the end you’ll just be too tired to focus on the exam the next morning.


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Ayanna Gant

Georgia Southern

Hi! I am Ayanna and I am the Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus Georgia Southern. I am a junior Public Relations major with a minor in Marketing. I hope to one day pursue a career in the sports and entertainment field of public relations!