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#ThatAwkwardMoment 4 Awkward Things You Think Are Normal

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgetown chapter.

As college students we experience many things for the first time. Dorm living, dining halls, and roommate were new to the majority of us, but now, slowly but surely, college life is beginning to seem pretty normal. This is inspired by a friend who made me realize some of the weird things we college students do without thinking. Here are 5 “normal” things that are actually pretty weird.

1.  You wear shoes in the shower. I know this is kind of an obvious one, but I do feel pretty weird when I go home for Christmas break and spend 15 minutes looking for my shower shoes. Then I realize that shower shoes are not a real thing and that solely college students use them. We associate shoes into our mental shower list along with soap, shampoo, and razors. Its actually really strange.

2. When other people flush, you move. I have had this theory backed up by a couple people who live in dorms on campus. The water gets incredibly hot when someone else flushes the toilet and so naturally you get out of the way of the boiling hot water. As soon as you hear the sound, you nonchalantly move out of the water, wait a few seconds, and then continue on as if nothing happened. If you think about it, the water temperature in your shower is not supposed to change that much so it is pretty awkward that dorm living makes it a norm.

3. People sleeping in public places. If you were to see a 12 year old in their school uniform asleep on a bus by themselves, you would probably be confused or even worried. Plus, if you saw a 65 year old man sleeping in the corner of his golf club, you would think he needed help. However, you go to any university in the country and you will find people sleeping. In a cubicle in the library at noon, 5pm, and 3am. In a chair outside a classroom or in the hallway on the floor.

4. Wearing pajamas, running shoes, and t-shirts to class. At no other point in your life will it ever be socially acceptable for you to wear leggings and an oversized t-shirt to any where but the gym. As a kid, you either wore a uniform or followed a dress code and when you get a job you will follow yet another dress code. So wear your sweats while you can ladies!!

Next time you reach for your shower shoes think about how weird it actually is to wear shoes in the shower. Then think about how much you’ll miss those shower-shoe days when they’re no longer around!