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StairMaster of Hell, Booty of Heaven

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgetown chapter.

As I stared up at the intimidating steep steps, I thought to myself….Why do I ever want to put myself through this? Every thought that passes through my mind is focused on how can I get myself out of it…there must be something else I have to do besides be at the gym now, Netflix is definitely waiting for me at home and that sounds a whole lot better than climbing up the stairs…….right?   For those of us who have been able to experience the joys of our good old friend the StairMaster, I think we all can agree that if you do it for any period of time it is most definitely worth your while, despite how painful it is physically and, well, emotionally, especially after you hit the 30 minute mark.

The Stairmaster is and will forever be a great workout no matter how you put it. Trudging up those steps for at least 10 minutes every two days will without a doubt help you get that booty-licious butt we all desire.

Workout Suggestion: 20 mins

5 minutes of normal climbing

1 minute break

4 minutes walking side-step on the right

1 minute break

4 minutes side-step on the left

Cool down. Rest. Repeat

I have found that working out in quick intervals gets your heart rate up, makes you burn calories faster and well, and makes you break a sweat like its your job. Own it. Though Georgetown Confessions may give you a different impression about who is watching you at Yates, forget about it, you are there to workout. If you don’t have time for the gym or just can’t stand the idea of being in Yates and having your nearby crush, last night’s hookup, or the athletes seeing you break a sweat isn’t so appealing, never underestimate the power of taking the stairs as you are walking to class or wherever else you may be headed. Stop yourself next time before you get on the elevator in Walsh, tell yourself you’re going to make it to the fourth floor, books in hand and to quote Nike, “just do it.” Every little bit helps and the less you think about your future pain the easier it will be to overcome it. Do that everyday for the rest of the semester in conjunction with a good diet and I promise you, you will see a difference.


If you are outside for a run, head up the Exorcist steps….more than one time. You may want to cry in pain when you are nearing the top and you might  even wake up the next day feeling the pain, but trust me, the results are worth it. And as I am sure you were told growing up as I was, “no pain, no gain.”  If it’s you’re first time running them, please be careful. Not all of us can run them like a fireman nearing his 37 up or the crew guys training. Take it slow. It is important not to hurt yourself and critical to build up your endurance properly. 

Next time when you see an escalator, instead of riding, walk up instead. The main one that comes to mind is in the Rosslyn metro. You all know what I’m talking about. That sucker is a doubly whammy; steep and long.  I still cringe just thinking about how I forced myself everyday, walking from my internship to climb those stairs. Results aren’t instantaneous, but over time you will notice a difference. Stick with it. Small changes everyday, like taking the stairs, are important if you want to notice a transformation.

I can assure you, sometimes I probably look like an insane person climbing the Stairmaster, pondering our love-hate relationship while counting down the minutes until it is over and, sure, it might be an evil machine that may or may not be the bane of my existence, but then I realize how those little steps can lead to big differences and not only your butt but your legs too! Sometimes the first step is the hardest to take, but it will be well worth the reward.  I promise.

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Lacey Henry
