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Spring Break: The Final Push

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgetown chapter.


Spring break can’t come soon enough. The one-week stretch couldn’t be more jam packed with midterms, essays, presentations, and other means of inflicting academic torture that our professors find necessary right before we’re free to go on that glorious, week-long hiatus from school. With this in mind, here are the top five things you absolutely must do over spring break, whether you’re at home or jetting off to some exotic location:


  1. Pamper yourself. It doesn’t matter whether it’s finally getting that massage you’ve been dreaming about in Spanish class, or simply sitting down at home and taking a long, hot bath; even the smallest of things will work wonders to relax you. If your hair is dried out from the cold weather and endless styling, try this mask from CVS to rejuvenate it while you’re painting your nails. There’s nothing better than taking a day to yourself to recover from the exhaustion of college living. http://www.cvs.com/shop/product-detail/Nuance-Salma-Hayek-Intense-Hydration-Hair-Mask-Blackcurrant?skuId=840212


  1. Go to the library. Mock me all you want, but there’s nothing better than heading over to your local library and grabbing that book you’ve been dying to read. It’s the better alternative to desperate searching for a Barnes and Noble (RIP Borders). Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn caught my eye: http://www.amazon.com/Gone-Girl-Novel-Gillian-Flynn/dp/030758836X


  1. Go shopping. There’s no better time to revamp your wardrobe than when you have free time on your hands. Go online and check out if your favorite stores have any sales or promotions, and you’ll be one step ahead of everyone else in the store. If you’re too lazy to go to a store, Nasty Gal always has great deals and the best pieces to take your closet to the next level. www.nastygal.com


  1. Visit an animal shelter or volunteer. Local animal shelters are always in need of volunteers, and if you’re home over break, it’s the perfect time to take a break from academic coursework and go out and interact with animals that aren’t lucky enough to have found homes yet. Volunteer work is so rewarding, so why not do it with the furriest and cutest of creatures. Whether you’re a dog lover or a cat lover, you can make a difference, however brief, in their lives. If you’re in the D.C. area over break, Lucky Dog Animal Rescue always needs help, and they host events every week in and around Georgetown. http://www.luckydoganimalrescue.org/


  1. Do something outside of your comfort zone. You can go bungee jumping, ride a roller coaster, or dye your hair– it doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it’s something you never thought you would ever do. Taking risks makes life all the more exciting, as cliché as it sounds. Who doesn’t want to come back to school with wild stories of how they survived a violent shark attack? http://www.rd.com/true-stories/survival/shark-attack-dolphins-save-surfer-from-shark/


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Julia Matin


Julia Matin is a senior at Georgetown University, studying English and Government. She is Vice President of Human Resources at the Georgetown University Alumni and Student Federal Credit Union, the largest student-run financial institution in the country. Her interests include writing, lacrosse, field hockey, and skiing. Julia is thrilled to be co-founding the Georgetown branch of Her Campus with Catherine Murphy!