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Midterm Season: Madness in the Making

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgetown chapter.

The dreaded midterm season. We’ve had it marked in our calendars since the first day of classes, when we swore that we would begin preparing weeks in advance and carefully budget our time to avoid stress-induced panic attacks. But, in what seems like the blink of an eye, it’s here and we feel completely unprepared.  We should have seen it coming, but, just like every year, it has managed to sneak up on us and leave us stranded in the library until the early morning, buried underneath piles of study guides, textbooks, and empty coffee cups. As you prepare for a long night of caffeine and cramming, procrastinate for just a few more minutes and revisit your slow progression from sanity to madness this semester.

Your semester starts out great as you cruise through the first month or two of classes, no problem at all. You seem to have found the perfect balance of doing well in school, making new friends, and having a great time.


Naps are plentiful, and weekends are filled with late nights, followed by mornings free of alarms and obligations.


Then, one fateful Sunday, you open your planner and come to a terrible realization.

It seems that in the midst of the transition from high waisted shorts and flip flops to chunky sweaters and riding boots, you’ve managed to overlook the swiftly approaching and highly dreaded midterm season. Gone are the days of lounging and partying; it’s time for frantic cramming, painful all nighters, and a liquid diet of coffee with a side of espresso shots.


Your first midterm is, how should we put this delicately, less than successful.


But, with an increased study schedule, along with your new home in one of the cubicles in the depths of the library, you begin to hit your stride and turn into a midterm machine.


That isn’t to say, however, that there aren’t any side affects of your new lifestyle.

Your teachers have started to notice that you aren’t paying attention in their classes anymore…
…and they aren’t happy about it.

And you find yourself having to choose between meals and well-deserved naps.
Or attempting to multitask.


Your library attire has transitioned from “study chic” to “I’d rather be asleep.”


No one’s allowed to judge…it’s midterm season.

Noise in the hallway of your dorm?


Not on your watch.

But, it all pays off when you get your grades back and find out that you aced all of your midterms!

Or…close enough.

It’s finally over, and you drag your lifeless, caffeine-infused body to bed and take an epic nap to make up for all of that lost sleep.


And then, almost as if it was all just a dream, you return to your old schedule, napping the days away and living it up on the weekends.

…Until finals, that is!
