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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgetown chapter.

Presidential candidates have been reaching out to voters, making campaign videos and taking part in intense debates. No, I do not mean Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum but the many Georgetown students running for Georgetown University Student Association, or GUSA, President.

But what exactly is GUSA? And why should I care who wins?

In order to make sense of all these campaign posters and flyers thrown about Red Square, HerCampus sought out the help of Vice President hopeful Lauren Weber to answer our questions.

GUSA is a student run organization intended to be a student advocacy group. As Lauren puts it, “GUSA is supposed to stand for the student body.” But many students across campus have no idea what GUSA is and how this organization can improve their time at Georgetown. For example, during the Presidential debates this week the candidates were advertising for a more efficient Safe Rides program, extended Grab & Go and more funding to student groups. However, Lauren and her running mate John Morris confess that many of their own roommates did not even know what the GUSA initials stood for.  They want to change that; “we want to make it clear that GUSA is a service to the students. GUSA is here for them.”

It is easy to tell from the debates and the campaigns around campus that each and every candidate running is passionate about GUSA. So HerCampus asked Lauren, what makes her and John’s campaign unique?

“John and I draw from a very diverse population of students. We have been friends from the very first day of school and we work wonderfully together. Things will get done with John and I,” Lauren explains. She describes how she wants to give back to the school that she loves so much and make it a better experience for others, especially those weary, still home sick freshmen.

So no matter what candidate you like make sure to actually vote next Thursday because GUSA is here for the students and you might just need them one day. 


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Julia Matin


Julia Matin is a senior at Georgetown University, studying English and Government. She is Vice President of Human Resources at the Georgetown University Alumni and Student Federal Credit Union, the largest student-run financial institution in the country. Her interests include writing, lacrosse, field hockey, and skiing. Julia is thrilled to be co-founding the Georgetown branch of Her Campus with Catherine Murphy!