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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgetown chapter.

Black Friday is undeniably the busiest shopping day of the year.  Millions of people across the United States have hardly digested their Thanksgiving meals before they are lined up in front of the shops hoping to score some serious deals on their Christmas shopping list.

The term “Black Friday” dates back to the 1960s in reference to the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas where retailers move from “the red” to “the black” (from a negative to a positive profit margin).  Black Friday has come to be known as the unofficial kick-off for the Christmas shopping season.

If you are a first time Black Friday shopper, the experience can be overwhelming to say the least.  But have no fear.  Here are some tips to help you this coming Black Friday on surviving the crowds, scoring some deals, and having fun while doing it.

Know What You Need

Thinking you can just waltz into the store and pick up whatever catches your eye is not a good plan for Black Friday.  It is essential to make a specific list beforehand of which items you need.  This will help keep you from getting distracted by the large amounts of people and products.  Staying focused on your list will lead to a satisfying and productive Black Friday.

Do Your Research

Once you know the items you are looking for, do your research.  Newspaper ads and Internet sites can be helpful in finding out which retailers are going to have what on sale and when it will be on sale.  This will help with budgeting your money and using your time effectively.  Be sure to read the fine print and to bring the ads with you. They are useful in confirming sales and discounts when dealing with frustrating store policies or employees.

Find a Friend   

I made the mistake of tackling Black Friday on my own once.  I thought I would be more efficient and less distracted.  While this may or may not be true, it takes all the fun out of it!  So bring a friend or two, take breaks, buy that Auntie Anne’s pretzel, and don’t forget to buy yourself something too (okay maybe a few things).  Also, a friend can be crucial for a “divide and conquer” strategy.  While one of you is waiting in a line, the other can scope out your next destination or make a trip to the car to drop off some bags.  A friend on Black Friday ultimately leads to efficiency and more importantly, a good time.  

Final Reminders

You know what you need, you’ve done your research, and you even have a friend to tag along.  Now here are some final tips to remember before the big day… It is imperative that you wear comfortable shoes with good support. You will be standing on your feet for most of the day and a hurting body will put a damper on your shopping experience.  Also, because of the massive crowds and large amounts of money in people’s wallets, Black Friday is a perfect day for pickpockets.  Keep your wallet or purse zipped up and in plain sight at all times.  

Following these tips, Black Friday can be an extremely fun and productive day.  However, I understand it is not for everyone.  If Black Friday is not really your thing, you could opt for Cyber Monday, the Monday after Thanksgiving.  This way, you can look for deals on Christmas shopping within the comfort of your own wifi network.  Or if you’re against the whole consumerism thing, Buy Nothing Day is the day for you.  Held on the same day as Black Friday, Buy Nothing Day is a protest hoping to draw attention to the problem of over-consumption.  Whatever your plans, whether it’s Black Friday, Cyber Monday, or Buy Nothing Day, don’t forget to preface it with an amazing Thanksgiving spent with family, friends, and an absurd amount of home cooking.  

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Lauren Saar


My name is Lauren Saar. I am a sophomore in the College at Georgetown University. I am an English major and am on the varsity volleyball team. I am also a Style Guru representing Georgetown's campus at CollegeFashionista.com. I could talk about fashion, film, and music for hours and I am excited to be able to write about exactly those sorts of things on HerCampus.
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Lacey Henry
