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Big Men on Campus: Nate Tisa and Adam Ramadan

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgetown chapter.

Her Campus Georgetown is honored to introduce the poised leaders of GUSA, President Nate Tisa (SFS ’14) and Vice President Adam Ramadan (SFS ’14). After a fierce campaign, these two are ready to bring change to Georgetown by representing the opinions of their fellow students and eliciting suggestions for the school about everything from class registration to nightlife. They’re the force connecting the student body and the administration, and they have big plans for Georgetown’s future. 

What inspired you to run for GUSA?:

Nate: I have been involved in GUSA ever since coming to Georgetown. No one else in my freshman hall ran so I decided to go for it and see what student government was like here. It was a decent experience so I kept up with it, becoming vice speaker of the senate my sophomore year and speaker my junior year while getting involved in some other groups on campus. After working with some of the Hoyas who came before us in these roles, I found out just how much of a difference the institution can make for individual students, and I jumped in head first. I feel like because we have the opportunity to help make things better we have a responsibility to do everything we can. That became so much clearer over the course of the campaign, and now I work with a group of people every day who feel the same way.

Adam: I was never in GUSA before, so really it seemed like a good chance to be able to try and make some changes for the better here at Georgetown. I’m happy I ended up running though, because it lets me try and do things to help Georgetown in ways I couldn’t do before.



How is holding office different from what you expected?:

Nate: It didn’t take long to find out that success is all about the little things – the emails, well wishes and organization. There are so many students on this campus already doing so much, and the key is getting those efforts together in just the right way to make something big happen. Never thought it was possible to spend so much time on emails, but it has become a way of life.

Adam: It’s busy. So far it’s been cool though, because campus seems like a much friendlier place- no more awkward greetings, now people always say “hi” which is awesome. 

What’s your biggest goal during your term?: 

Nate: Reinvigorating our campus. From free speech to safety and student rights, making this campus a place we can all be proud of and comfortable in.

Adam: We’re trying really hard to make campus a really fun and desirable place where you would want to live. Since living off-campus is going to be more difficult in the future, we want to try and make campus more of the social hub.

What else are you involved in on campus?: 

Nate: I worked for the Corp starting freshman spring, and got involved in GU Pride last year. In the summer I also volunteered for After School Kids as well as interned on the Hill (something every Hoya should do at least once!)

Adam: I give tours for Blue and Grey, scream my head off in Hoya Blue and work at the Corp. When I’m not at Snaxa, you can find me walking Jack the Bulldog or Jack Jr. as a member of Jack’s Crew, too.

Can we expect to see you on the political scene in the future? Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: 

Nate: Ha! No idea. From a lot of the professors and administrators I’ve met, it seems like you never know where a career in this city will take you. The biggest thing my family drilled into me as a kid was that the only thing that matters is leaving the world a better place than it was when you came in. I could see myself in government or in an NGO, wherever I can find that balance of pragmatism and idealism.

Adam: I have no idea about either. Right now I just want to try and figure out what I’m doing after graduation.


Lightning Round

Dinner with anyone, dead or alive:

Nate: Johnny Cash

Adam: Robb Stark

Best movie of all time:

Nate: I’m going with a series: Battlestar Galactica, the re-envisioned 2000’s version. They were sneaky. It’s science fiction but its about religion, fate, destiny and history.

Adam: Troy

Dream concert:

Nate: The Clash. In the 80’s

Adam: I’ve only been to two concerts in my life, so either Lupe Fiasco or Maroon 5

Only allowed to eat one food for the rest of your life:

Nate: Cottage cheese. Gross, right?

Adam: Tie between mac ‘n’ cheese and Keebler fudge stripe cookies