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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgetown chapter.


As girls slowly start to get over the “single and ready to mingle” phase of college, the hunt for the perfect boyfriend becomes an inevitable, and often toxic, search. Girls start to crave the physical and emotional attention of a relationship, desiring a guy who can be their Prince Charming. However, once they snatch a guy, the so called “Prince Charming” is most likely not the man of their dreams. Why? As it turns out, girls have a habit of lowering their standards in order to get in a relationship, going for less attractive guys who, at the very least, have a “funny” personality. After all, if we snatch a guy who is a six or a seven, he has to be devoted to us…right? Yes, in theory, it would seem that way. Think about it…he will feel like he needs to try twice as hard to satisfy us because we are out of his league, ensuring instant devotion and endless pampering. But is the average guy really the right move?

Sure, if we hook up with an Adonis we feel great! It doesn’t really matter if he calls us the next day because we can at least say that we had one, magical night with the hottest guy on campus. Yet, if an average guy doesn’t call we instantly begin to question everything, convinced that we must have done something wrong to bring on this embarrassing rejection. Although it seemed strategic at first, going for the average guy actually brings about more sadness and disappointment once he turns a corner and begins to act like a jerk, causing us to eat loads of Ben & Jerry’s and bawl our eyes out while watching The Notebook. Yet if the hotter guy acts like a jerk, we don’t seem to be that affected by it because it is expected and, at least in our minds, he was out of our league anyway.

You might be reading this and thinking that this seems completely obvious. Of course lowering your standards is never a good move! Yet we seem to do it a lot without even realizing it. Although the average guy might make us feel more secure in our relationship, it is important to understand that that doesn’t mean he is unable to break our hearts just as easily. It also doesn’t mean that he is unable to gain a cocky exterior, inspired by his newfound ability to score girls above his standards. Now more than ever, the average guy is gaining momentum when it comes to relationships, shifting the upper hand to their benefit.

So ladies be careful when dealing with the enigma of the “average guy”, because, in more ways than one, he can end up hurting us the most in the long run. 

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Julia Matin


Julia Matin is a senior at Georgetown University, studying English and Government. She is Vice President of Human Resources at the Georgetown University Alumni and Student Federal Credit Union, the largest student-run financial institution in the country. Her interests include writing, lacrosse, field hockey, and skiing. Julia is thrilled to be co-founding the Georgetown branch of Her Campus with Catherine Murphy!