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The Art of the Text Message

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgetown chapter.

I will be the first to admit it: my text game is HORRIBLE. I have had conversations that were supposed to be flirty turn into discussions about the merits of cross-dressing or my weird looking hands. Every text I receive from a boy is read aloud to my roommates, their suggested responses are mixed and match, and I eventually come up with something awkward and embarrassing to respond. My “hahahaha’s” are always a bit too aggressive, and I somehow manage to unwittingly end the conversation, usually with something poetic, like “lol.”

For people like me (read: people with the text messaging skills of a seventh grader), there is a new website called HeTexted.com, in which girls send screen shots of their text correspondence with guys, and people suggest responses vote on whether or not the guy is into her. While the site, in theory, is utterly genius—most of the conversations are pretty depressing. Honestly, if you have to send his text to a website—he’s probably not that into you.

Hetexted.com’s sheer existence represents a shift in the way dating works in the 21st century. Relationships are now defined by a sea of frustrating technology questions: How soon after a hookup can I friend request him? (never). Can I text him first? (no). How long do I have to wait to respond to a message? (8 minutes.) Will we have good text chemistry? (If you don’t, it’s over before it’s begun).

I only came across HeTexted.com after a male Facebook friend posted a status about it, balking “LOL THE FUNNIEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!” Obviously, he has never had to put his phone in the freezer to keep himself from texting a girl he likes. This is some serious stuff.

A bad text from a boy you like—or even worse, no text at all—can be enough to ruin your day. We are all guilty of sitting at home (or in the library, or at a dinner, or at the bar, or anywhere, really) PRAYING that our phones will vibrate. And of course, when they do, it’s almost always an annoying friend asking about dinner plans. After hours of waiting for a text that inevitably isn’t coming, we somehow manage to convince ourselves that he isn’t ignoring us, he just hasn’t responded because he is a.) at the gym or b.) dead.

Here’s the thing: I can almost guarantee you that no guy has ever sat around with a group of his friends analyzing a text from a girl, or spent hours in Lau refreshing his Facebook page waiting for a friend request. Boys are pretty simple: If they aren’t texting you, they aren’t into you. So delete his number, stick your phone under the couch and move on. Or, send your text/ no response to HeTexted.com—then hundreds of strangers can tell you what you already know. 

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Julia Matin


Julia Matin is a senior at Georgetown University, studying English and Government. She is Vice President of Human Resources at the Georgetown University Alumni and Student Federal Credit Union, the largest student-run financial institution in the country. Her interests include writing, lacrosse, field hockey, and skiing. Julia is thrilled to be co-founding the Georgetown branch of Her Campus with Catherine Murphy!