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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.

Year: Junior

Major: Advertising / Public Relations

Hometown: Thousand Oaks, CA

Fun Fact: I lived in France for half of the summer. My father is French, so France is my second home.

Hobbies: Hiking, Theatre, Soccer, Singing, and Arts, playing with cats

Celebrity crush: Jude Law (at his prime)

Describe yourself in one word: Outgoing

What do you do in your free time? I like to draw in adult coloring books; it’s so calming. I watch TV to gather better acting tips. If I’m not inside, I like to hang out with friends and go on adventures. One of my favorite things to do is go on top of a mountain and watch the sunset – I LOVE watching the sunset.

What are you currently binge-watching on Netflix? “Friends,” always.

You can only eat one food for the rest of your life, what do you choose? A turkey and cheese sandwich (with lettuce and light mayo/mustard!)

What is your favorite place you’ve traveled to? My favorite place is probably Cancun, Mexico. It has a mix of everything. I’ve zip-lined through the jungle, swam in an amazing natural lazy river and went parasailing which was super sketchy but amazing! I love Cancun because one day I can lay out and relax, and the next is an adventure.

How are you involved on campus? I am a transfer student, so I am going to be joining Habitat for Humanity with to work with other Lopes to help the community.

What is your favorite accessory? My go-to accessory is probably these leather strap sandals I currently have on. I’ve traveled the world in these sandals. I’ve been to Mexico twice with them, Europe multiple times. They’ve been on the streets of Barcelona, Corsica and Cancun. They’ve been through water and even partly burned off (don’t ask!) I wear them all the time – they get my everywhere!

What advice would you give to freshman in college? Honestly just be true to yourself. Make the same jokes you would make at home, be as silly as you would in front of your hometown friends and family.  Don’t be afraid to go out and meet new people – they’re standing there just as clueless as you are.

Do you have a favorite quote?  “Be you.” I’m not even sure who has originally said it, but it’s something I live by.

What made you choose GCU? I came here to push myself further in my faith. GCU gives me the opportunity to do that. Aside from GCU having the major I want to study, this school has a smaller class environment and my professors care about me and my work. When I came on campus there was a feeling I couldn’t quite describe. The atmosphere of GCU is incredible, the campus isn’t too big but it’s big enough. As a plus, the people here are so kind. I’m really happy to be here. 

Fourth year Communications major who cares deeply about skin care and Harry Styles.