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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.

Sex Culture on College Campuses   

For many students, college is a time for finding out who they are as a person and experimenting with popular trends and different lifestyles. For many young women and men, college is the time in they’re lives were their explore their sexuality; losing their virginity; exploring their sexuality, and exploring what their into. Whatever the case might be, sex culture on college campuses is increasing day by day. For example, in a survey that examines the sex culture of Washington University, 76.4% of students are having sex. For college students, no longer is the topic of sex taboo; having a casual hookup is not a big deal. With Bumble and Tinder being such popular dating apps among college students, it’s not uncommon for many young people meeting up for a Netflix and Chill and end up hooking up. According to the survey discussed above, about 53.98% of students used online dating for hookups. 



Getting checked for STDs

As numerous students on college campuses are having sex, whether in relationships or casual sex; there are plenty that are or have never been tested for STD’s. Why is this? Many young adults believe that getting an STD can never happen to them or that having oral sex can not put them in risk for STD. However, people from the ages of 15-24 were found in 53% of cases of gonorrhea and 65% of Chlamydia cases. With many college students believing that they cannot get STDs, they are actually putting themselves and others at risk. If having sex is not a major deal, than why is asking for their partners STD states such a major deal? Many feel that asking for their partners STD statutes might kill the mood or even feel embarrassed to ask. While the talk of sex is not taboo on campus grounds, the talk of STDs seems to take the role of a  plague that many wont speak of. There are plenty of clinics that give little to no cost STD test, even campuses have health clinics that you can go to and request a test. Don’t have time for it? A test that take about 20 minutes can penitentially save your and your sex partner’s life. Don’t have the money? They are many clinics that give them for no cost if you have insurance or that have very low payments. Don’t want your parents to find out? You medical history once at the age of 18 and above is private and only for you; your parents can no longer receive any medical updates about the status of your health unless you approve. 

Having sex is a part of growing up; not all have sex or have to have sex but many do. It is 2020, hookups and causal sex is normal, many do it, but many do not practice safe sex. STDs are real and should be considered when deciding sleeping with a new partner. Bringing up the topic or safe sex in your group texts with friends and partners and safe a life. Be safe while having fun!


Hello my fellow readers! My name is Tabitha (Tabs for short). I'm from Chicago, IL born and raised. I'm currently attending GCU with a major in Psychology and a minor in Counseling. I love a good cup a coffee while writing in my journal or binge watching YouTube videos.